The Hunt

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"Remind me why we're doing this!"
Rosa asked. They were finding their way the cellar, feeling through the dark with their hands. Rosa was continuously walking into cobwebs, which was a constant discomfort to her face.
"For our best friend you selfish poo,"
Clara tutted. Rosa looked down, embarrassed for a minute, then was determined to face her fears and keep going.
They kept going.
"We need to look for a trapdoor, so keep your eyes on the ceiling," Jasper reminded them. Nobody replied but they all looked up. Lizzie walked into Eliza at the back and then the domino affect started.
"Lizzie!" They all complained.
Gradually, getting up from where she fell on the floor, Clara sighed, but then saw what they all wanted to see.
"Sophie!" They cried and rushed forward.
Sophie was tied to a chair, gagged, with a relieved look on her face. Suddenly she realised something though, and her relieved expression changed to pure fear. She tried to speak, to warn them,

but it was too late.......

Aaahhh! Cliffhanger! Sorry it's short once again and also that I haven't updated in AGES! Please check out my other books ad as usual.....
Lily x

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