First impressions

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First impressions are always an important thing, especially for Sophie. So, driving into the driveway of the castle was one of the best moments of her life. The towering frame of the castle stared down on their inferior minibus while vines of ivy curled their way up the brick wall and intwined itself around the small cracks. The driveway itself was lined with bright red roses and hydrangeas with colours of pinks and blues.
As Sophie clambered out of the hot, stuffy minibus, her neck ached from staring up at the magnificent castle for so long.
"This. Is. Amazing." One of her friends, Clara, whispered breathlessly. They all agreed.
The inside was just as amazing as the outside. Old portraits were hung in wonky positions around the long, winding corridors. There was a musty smell around the walls and every now and then somebody's foot stepped on an old floorboard, making everyone jump when it creaked eerily.

When they got shown to their rooms (Sophie was in a room with her closest friends, Clara, Lizzie, Eliza and Rosa) they sat on their beds flicking through the itinerary of the trip.
"Tomorrow we go to look at some caves over the moor," Eliza told them. They were all really excited.
"What are we doing today?" Lizzie asked her.
"We are going for a night walk around the moor after dinner in the old dining hall." As she was reading you could see Eliza's eyes light up at the rest of the itinerary. "This is so cool!" She exclaimed. They all agreed and began to unpack their things ready for room inspections.

After passing their inspection perfectly they made their way down to the dining hall. It was amazing. Chandeliers of candles were hung from the ceiling, shining an eerie glow on the many portraits hung in the nooks and crannies of the old wall. Dinner was roast chicken with apple crumble and custard for pudding. It was delicious.
After changing into cosy clothes, they all headed out for the night walk. They went over the moor and up a hill to overlook the moors and the castle itself. The sight was immense.
Finally, at the end of a long day, Sophie and her friends settled into bed and discussed the day's events.
"My favourite part of today was first seeing the castle," Sophie told them.
"No! My favourite part was the night walk!" Rosa disagreed. After a fun argument over their favourite parts of the day, they rested their heads on their pillows and enjoyed a well deserved rest.  

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