Chapter 14

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(A/N: Man, updating at 2 am sure is fun, bUT IM FINALLY ADVANCING THE PLOT ISN'T THAT NEW. Pic is Dominic aka Barbie boy.)

"What...?" Was all I could manage to ask. He didn't pull away, but I didn't struggle to get free either. Was he joking, or...?

"I said, I like you." Barbie boy repeated, leaning his head in the crook of my neck. "Not in the friend type of way, either. I'm talking about in the romance type of way."

I was surprised at his words, eyes widening as I realized what he meant. Could he be serious? Did he actually like me? Even after all of the horrible things I've said and done to him thus far? Was there someone out there capable of loving someone like me?

... No. That's not possible, is it? No. What good have I ever done unto him? None. Why should he have a reason to like me? He doesn't. He's lying. He just wants my money like everyone else. No one has accepted me before, so why start now?

I began trembling as the thoughts raced through my head. He says he likes me, but I've done nothing to make him like me at all. Why could he possibly think that he does? Is it my looks, money? But he's never asked for any of my money before, so why?!

My breathing picked up rapidly and I felt a splitting headache coming on. I've done nothing to make him like me, I'm just an unloveable human being forced to keep living in this world of trash. Why did he say that? What does he really want from me?

"Why?" I asked, voice breaking slightly. I bit my lip. I felt tears begin to prick my eyes. If this was a joke, I don't think I'll be able to forgive him. His head rose up as his breathtaking green eyes met mine, a look of utter shock gracing his features. He looked worried, almost like if he said one wrong thing, I would break. "I like you, because you're you, Rei." He brushed my long black hair out of my face and cupped my cheek softly.

I looked down and began to start chuckling lightly. "Rei...?" Soon, it turned into broken sobs of insane laughter. "I-I get it, you just want my money, right? Hold on, let me go get it for you. How much do you want, $1000? $10,000? Name your price." I asked, turning to get to the door, but he prevented me from leaving.

"Rei!" He turned my head up to face his, a look of horror raced across his features. "I don't know what you've been traumatized by in the past, but I promise, I don't want your money!" The tears began to flow out of my eyes, I was unable to stop them.

"Then what? Is it my face? My body?" I looked into his eyes, recalling all of my past memories of situations like this. I wasn't crying then, so why am I crying now? "What is it?!" I screamed, punching his shoulder repeatedly.

"Rei, I'm here for you. I know it's hard, but cry if you need to." He said calmly, stroking my hair as he pulled my head into his shoulder. I started crying harder, the tears weren't stopping. Was it okay to confide in him? Was it fine to confide in someone other than myself?

"What do you know about me?!" I yelled, making him flinch slightly. "What do you know about being alone your entire life?! Having no one to depend on but yourself, until you slowly think you're going insane?! Leaving me alone and depressed must be a really fun game everyone likes to play, but I don't see what's so damn fun about it!"

Ah, I think I know why I'm crying now.

"Every last person either wants money or my body, so why are you different?! What makes you so special?!"

I'm crying, because,

"I'm sick of people leaving me behind and giving me more trauma to deal with! I'm not able to handle everything by myself! Why isn't anyone helping me?!"

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