Chapter 13

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The car ride to the hotel was awkward, if anything. I didn't know what to say after that and just kind of shuffled into the corner, not moving until we got there, which I bolted out right when we did.

"Ms. Nobara, if you'll please allow me to escort you to your room, the chauffeurs and I will take your bags to your room." The hotel bellboy said with a smile, but I couldn't help but pick up traces of his accent as he spoke. He was quite short and looked as if he wasn't that much older than me.

I followed behind the bellboy, taking in the lobby and scenery as I did. It wasn't like what I'd imagined, there was a casino with lots of games that I would definitely be trying to play later. There were a lot of guys and girls giving me creepy looks, but I just brushed it off and kept walking. I knew I was hot, but it still made me unsettled when people looked at me like that. Despite that there were a lot of people, they were all dressed to the nines, so it was still very clean and kept.

We walked to the elevator and entered, I saw Barbie boy enter shortly after me, making me remember what happened in the car and scoot to the corner of the elevator. I don't know why it was making me feel so awkward, I could usually just ignore it, but this time was different for some rea-wait, are these feelings? Get them away from me, I want no part of that, no thank you. I glanced out of the corner of my eye and immediately met Barbie boy's gaze, making me look away to this really intriguing tile on the elevator floor, it was really white and... a tile.

When the elevator made a ding to signal we were at the desired floor, I looked at the number we were on and saw 14. I hated being on floor 14 of any building, for traumatic reasons.

When I was about five, and my mom was still working an office job (I don't know why, something about being a strong independent woman that can handle herself), my father and I went to go visit her with lunch and when I dropped my stuffed animal in the elevator, I went to pick it up, and when I turned back to get out, the doors were closing and I was going to floor 14. Long story short, I got stuck on floor 14 for two hours while I looked for my parents.

So, in the end, I hate being on floor 14 of any building, but I can deal with it considering I have a cell phone and common sense at the age of seventeen. I looked out the doors and began walking through the very expensive-looking hallway, until we reached the end, where two very large double doors were left for us to face. I looked at the petite bellboy and he smiled kindly, "Your room, Ms. Nobara," he said, handing me a key card, which I assumed opened the door, then turned to Barbie boy, who just looked lost. "There is a room connected to Ms. Nobara's that you will be sleeping in. If either of you need anything, don't hesitate to ask," he faced me yet again, "Your bags will be delivered shortly." He bowed and made his way towards the elevator to leave.

I glanced at the brunette beside me as he stared in wonder. I opened the door and it was really beautiful. On the left was a king-sized bed on what looked like a platform with a small set of stairs leading up to it, with two bedside tables that held twin lamps to illuminate the bed in all its glory, along with a wardrobe against the wall. I walked in farther to see an open bar in the back, still stocked with alcohol I might add, the bathroom directly across from it, where the wall comes forward into the living room. In front of the raise of the wall, was one L-shaped couch with a fancy patterned rug underneath, facing a flat screen television hooked to the wall. To the right, beside the wall was another door, which was either a closet or another room, and finally, mirroring where the bed was, there's a small kitchen.

There was a knock at the door, which I opened yet again, and saw three guys carrying our stuff, so I let them through and showed them where we wanted to put them.

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