Chapter 6

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We pulled into the girls driveway and I stopped the car, taking the keys out of the ignition. I groaned and hit my head against the back of the seat a few times before I had to put on a fake smile and attitude to not be the rude person I am. I got out of the car and started walking to the door. Barbie Boy followed suit.

"Oh, yeah. Don't talk unless asked, directly talked to, or if you need to apologize or say thank you." I say bluntly and quickly as I knock on the door. A beautiful girl about my age opens it and gestures for me to come in. I do as I'm told and walk inside.

She was truly beautiful, that's not a lie. She had beautifully long blonde hair, she was a little on the short side, and had big blue eyes. She was wearing what I assumed to be a short, white sundress and gold flats. She smiled happily as she let Barbie Boy and I inside.

"Hi, I'm Lily! It's nice to finally meet you! I've heard so much about you!" She said with the same happy smile as before and a light pink dusting her cheeks. She looked over to Barbie Boy and looked confused. "Is he your boyfriend...? He's hot!"

I put on the best fake smile I could after that last comment and tried to respond as nicely as possible. "I'm Rei. It's nice to meet you as well. And he's not my boyfriend. He's just visiting our family for a while when his parents are away. My mother wanted me to bring him with me so I could show him what I usually do." I said pretending to be nice and smiley. Its exhausting and I never want to do this again.

"We are dating, you don't have to lie, Rei. Don't be shy about it." Barbie Boy smirked. He decided to jump in even after I told him not to speak unless spoken to directly. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to his side. That was a bad idea, considering he knew I had ways to hurt him if he ever tried this shit.

I stomped on his foot and elbowed his side right as Lily looked away. He surprisingly took it better than I thought because he wasn't letting the pain show on his face, but in his eyes, he looked like he wanted to scream. I'm so touched I could do that for someone.

"Aww... No wonder you two are together! You're both so good-looking! You are so cute together!!" Lily exclaimed happily. I tried my best to give her a fake smile while I was simultaneously stomping Barbie Boys foot into the ground.

"Oh, believe me, we aren't dating." I said while waving my hands in front of my face.

"Oh, sure you aren't. Anyway! Let's have some tea! You do like tea, right?" Lily said and led us over to a dining table with a frilly white cloth over it meant for 6.

"Sure. Anything is fine with me, really." I said. I actually couldn't stand tea unless it was hot and had a lot of sugar and honey in it. I'm just doing this to get it over with.

"I got you two love birds a love seat to sit on at the table so you could still be next to each other."

"Oh, really? You shouldn't have." You seriously shouldn't have. I'll push him off and put my feet up in his place so he can't sit back down. I also kinda gave up on the boyfriend thing. She doesn't seem like the type of person to give up on something once she has it in her head.

We sat down at our seat anyway and her butler served us with the option of hot tea or coffee. I naturally chose coffee since I hated tea and happened to notice Lily's butler.

Her butler was actually pretty good-looking considering he was a few years older. He had jet black hair that was slicked back and beautiful blue/grey eyes that looked kind but also like they could see through your soul.

"So... How long have you lived here? I don't think I've seen you around school before." I finally said, snapping out of my staring and starting a conversation with the girl.

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