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Riley Matthews had always been a dreamer. Growing up she had an idea of the perfect wedding. She wanted a hero, someone who made her laugh, a handsome man who would treat her like a princess. And when she was in seventh grade she got just that. Lucas Friar was perfect. He fit every description to a T and he liked her. He actually liked her. He didn't mind that she was a klutz, he didn't mind her constant positivity, and he didn't mind that she seemed to be the biggest chump anyone has ever encountered. And that made her like him even more. For the first time, someone liked her for her. They were perfect together...

And then High School came.

Maya Hart was Riley's best friend and the best person she knew. Despite how tough she came off as Riley knew Maya much like her last name was all heart. And she supposes that's why they got along so great. Maya was everything Riley wishes she were and she was 100% sure her friend had no idea how great she actually was. Riley was also 100% sure she didn't know other people saw her as more than a lost cause. They loved her and she supposes that's where the problem started.


Entering her Junior Year of High School Riley was excited. She had made it to the Varsity Cheer Team. After years she finally got what she wanted. She had a good boyfriend and she was popular. But this is where being a dreamer bit her in the ass.

If you were to ask anyone who attended Abigail Adams High they would tell you Riley Matthews had no real problem. They would say she is the happiest person in the world, that she had it all. What they don't know is that Riley has done some dangerous things to keep the tiny ounce of happiness she has left. That she is hurting and if at any moment she were to break no one would notice. No one.


The first time Riley meets Farkle Minkus she found herself in the park for the third time that week. Typically she tried to go as little as possible, after all, she had a reputation to protect. There was a huge hill and some nights she would head up to look at the stars (Or what little she could see)

When he sees her he doesn't say anything, instead, he lays a few feet away from her, mimicking her position. They don't speak which she's sure is exactly what both wanted. They follow this for the next few weeks. The first time they break their unspoken code is when Riley sees Farkle being harassed by the schools Biggest Bully aka Riley's Boyfriend.

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