The brunette walked to stand over the girl, brushing her fingers over the soft fur of her back. The wolf whimpered feebly, her muzzle lifting only enough to leave the oak, before it flopped back, remaining in the uncomfortable position it dropped. Saiorse rested her hand over her chest, feeling the chaotic thrumming of her failing heart. She knew the pattern by heart - only the venom of a vampire could bring about such madness.

"She was playing by the river," Levora told Saiorse. "My men found the vampire responsible; but he was of no kind I have ever seen. His eyes were white, his voice could only come from hell, Mistress Addinell. Vampires and werewolves have lived peacefully since the dawn of our species. Why would someone harm a wee bairn?"

"Those are not vampires, my lady," Saiorse told her softly. "They are heartless beasts." She bowed her head, facing the representative of werewolves with all the condolences she could fathom shimmering in her eyes. "I do not know what you wish of me, but I assure you I am journeying to stop the man responsible for these new... abominations."

"Beckham Beldare has taken your seat of Council," Levora continued, stepping forth to touch Saiorse's cheek. "That was not of a willing resign, was it?"

Saiorse dropped her head, but placed her fingers over the hem of her blouse, drawing it away from her shoulder to reveal the purpled marks. Rage flashed over the woman's face, her nostrils flaring. Wrinkles delved the side of her lips when she frowned. Hands falling to Saiorse's neck, Levora ran her thumbs over her cheeks.

"Saiorse, I need your help," Levora began to beg. Saiorse clenched her jaw tight, her face wrinkling. "My grandchild will die if we do nothing. Please, will you change her? Heal her? Legend says you possess powers like no other."

Sadness threatened to concave her. To change the young pup would mean halting her forever as a child, along with mixing species that could not possibly coalesce. If Saiorse poured her venom through the pup's veins, all that would happen would be a much swifter death. Saiorse wasn't sure if werewolves had the same molecular structure as a vampire, but she figured she would not like her answer. Even after all of the technicals were considered, there still remained a prominent problem. Deliberately creating mixed species was strictly forbidden by the Council. As an ambassador herself, Levora should know this - but Saiorse would not fault her for her desperation.

She knew the pain of losing a child to the hands of hell could bring. Stepping out of Levora's hands, Saiorse only looked at her with a paling face and heavy heart. The older woman drew her lip between her teeth, shadows covering her once beautiful eyes. Saiorse noticed the right to be foggy - she was partially blind.

"I can only end her suffering if you do not wish to take that responsibility," Saiorse whispered. "The process of changing would kill her. Our blood and venom cannot coexist in the same being."

"Saiorse, please," Levora wheeze, clutching the front of her blouse. "She is all that remains."

"Of the yearlings?" Saiorse questioned.

"Of my family," Levora snarled. Saiorse gasped as she was tossed backward, thumping against the table. She clasped it as Levora towered over her, face as red as the blood coating the furniture behind her. Saiorse held her breath as Levora crumbled at her feet - and there was not a damn thing Saiorse could do about it. "Night after night the vampires stalk our home. My husband, my daughter, her mate - all bitten and left to bleed in the sage outside our door. Packs all over Iradel are dying, Saiorse. The vampires are begging for war."

Saiorse shook her head frantically. "I do not support this."

"Your husband does," Levora spat.

Anger welled in Saiorse's chest, filling her lungs with fire. "He is not my husband. There will be no war." She shoved from the table, standing before the trembling grandmother. Her hands had begun to twitch - she was close to shifting. "I will stop this. You will lose no more. I have a plan to strike down Beckham."

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