"Madeus," Saiorse muttered. "He is here."

Alex tilted his head. "Your son?"

Saiorse looked at him with all the fear hidden beneath her mask as clear as day. She bobbed her head with affirmation, slinging her bags over her shoulders. She took her leave, slamming the door open so violently it left a crack in the walls. Pursing his lips, Alex walked to collect the letter as Alara raced after Saiorse, calling her name. Careful, Alex unfolded it, reading the elegant script undoubtedly inherited from the author's mother. Alexander's hands clenched, crumpling the parchment.

Mia Momma,

You are in danger and so am I. I await you at the joining rocks. Travel safely, James LeRoy is relentless and will stop at nothing to destroy what you love. I fear I cannot stay here as they are already aware of my coming to Basama. Come morning when you find this letter I will have already departed - granted my wounds do not halt my journey. Be careful, mother.


Alex had never felt more rage begin in his chest than he did now. Whirling around, Alex raced after Alara and Saiorse, waving his arms with fierce strokes. Saiorse only hesitated to catch his gaze, her face drawn taut and her stallion eager to take off down the road. He rushed to Richard's front, placing his hands over the animal's chest as if he could shove it to a halt.

"Saiorse, whatever that boy is telling you is a lie," he told her. "He is luring you into a trap. Please, come down from the horses. This makes no sense. My father would not waste soldiers on a wild goose chase to Basa-"

"Silence," Saiorse snarled. "James must've discovered my past somehow. He will surely hunt down my son." Her eyes became distant, filled with fear that could only ever belong to a mother. "I do not know what Beckham has done to my boy. Or James, for that matter." Saiorse backed Richard away from Alex's hands. "Now mount your horse and join us or I will be rid of you. We haven't time to waste."

Alex hung his head, dread filling him to the brim, but as a dog would his master, he obeyed. He climbed atop his horse, the moment he seated himself, the women beside him shot onward. Alex cast a glance over his shoulder to the cabin. It would have been nice to keep Saiorse there if only for a day more. Though, he supposed dreams were for starry eyed boys and not unfortunate men. Heaving a loud sigh, Alex kicked Elia into a pummeling gallop. He hadn't a clue what the letter meant about joining rocks, but he had a feeling Saiorse knew precisely what it portrayed.

They stopped for no reason - even when Alex found himself hunched over his horse in pain. Ribs, still terribly afflicted - and even more recently so by Saiorse's nails - the rocky ride toward the mountainside proved to be quite the troublesome adventure. Elia soon grew tired of leaping over fallen logs, slowing drastically each time she was forced to make another bound. He would have lost them both as they neared two jagged set of rocks had Alara not brought her mare to a wailing halt.

Elia, grateful for their pause, stopped right where she was, nearling sending Alexander flying as she skidded to an abrupt halt. Growling under his breath, Alex took himself from his saddle, marching over to join Alara while Saiorse slowed Richard at a more reasonable pace, circling him back with a less than pleased expression.

"What are you doing?" Saiorse demanded tightly. "We only have perhaps a mile to go. He will not be at the bottom of the rocks. It is too open."

Alara scrunched her face, shaking her head. "I do not like this, Saiorse." She looked over the brunette's shoulder. "You would have thought we'd crossed hoof prints by now. If he is wounded as he said, he could not make the journey afoot."

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