Getting lost in nothing.

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To: my "nothing" I know who you are, you have many names I'm Just afraid of calling them out loud.

With all my respect.

Yesterday I was thinking about nothing. Literally nothing. Yet tears were rolling down my eyes to my temples finishing on my hair.... without my body moving without my breath flinching actually it was steady.

My eyes fixed on the ceiling without capturing the image. My eyelashes going up and down everytime I blinked. I was just there feeling everything.

All the feelings colliding in mind, and all my words trapped in my chets.

"Estaba sintiendo el peso de la nada haciendo efecto en mi mundo de fantasías alocadas, estaba sintiendo el peso del presente rompiendo mi futuro."

Yesterday I was thinking about nothing laying In my bed. Yet.... I fell asleep crying In emptyness of nothing.

"Estaba sintiendo sentimientos que creí no tener"

I fell asleep with tears wetting my pillows.

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