It was actually a little bit unsettling, having eyes on him. Usually, it's always eyes on his friends and he's taken comfort in that. But today, Zayn himself has totally flipped the script. Maybe they were all just amazed by the fact that he had something in his closet that wasn't just black.

God, he hoped so because, if not, teenagers are terribly shallow. He knew this generation was all for good looks, but if a haircut and contacts was all it took for them to notice someone, Zayn feared for the world's future. Really, that's all that's really changed about him. Well, the clothes too since they actually fit and don't drape over him like a Pope's robe, but he still looks like himself, just slightly improvised.

"Dude." Zayn felt an elbow nudge his side, dragging his attention from his thoughts to Liam. "You're not even saying anything and I can tell you're thinking about this, chill out. They're the same people you saw last week, only difference is that they notice you now."

"I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but up until now, I've always been a nobody so sorry if I'm acting a little off because all these eyes are suddenly on me."

"Oh, I'm aware." Liam nodded making his best friend glare at him.

"Man, still a jerk."

"Hey, these kids may be acting all different because of your makeover since they now think you're hot, but keep in mind, I've always thought that you were hot so don't expect any different behavior from me." Liam responded bluntly.

"Good to know Li."

"Zayn, don't even worry about it. You'll be fine, trust me." Harry assured.

"I'm pretty sure I will be, but I really don't want to have to deal with anyone walking up to me the way they walk up to you guys."

"You can just tell them to fuck off." Louis suggested.

"Mmm, yes, I'll tell them all to fuck off and poof, they'll all magically disappear like magic." Zayn used his hands to exaggerate his words, fingers widening as his arms spread in a way that almost made it seem like he was mimicking an explosion.

"Works for me."

"Because you are intimidating, even for your size."

"True." Louis agreed. "But regardless, you're going to have to put up with whatever comes your way today."

"And for the rest of your senior year." Liam couldn't help but add because he's the biggest asshole in Zayn's life.

"Have I ever told you that I hate you?"

Liam released a laugh as he wrapped his arm around Zayn's neck. "You have many times my friend, but we all know you don't mean it."

"I'm pretty sure he does Lima Bean." Niall budged in, a goofy grin playing on his face.

"Shut it Angel Face."

Louis visibly grimaced. "Angel Face? Gag. Was that even supposed to be an insult?"

"Did it sound like an insult? Liam was obviously expressing his admiration for Niall's innocent, Angel-like features in a not so subtle way," said Harry.

"Oh, Harold. Always looking to matchmake. Sometimes I forget Niall is the Cupid in our group and not you." Liam stated.

"Well who's going to look out for Niall? Niall needs a fairy godmother too. I'm sure Niall gets lonely at night."

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