"Come on," Edith spoke undoing the bottoms that sealed the raven haired girls pants together as they dropped to the light tiled bathroom floor. The scent of roses filled the air due to the scented soaps that Edith had dropped into the steaming hot water of the bathtub.

"I think I can undress myself, thank you very much." The taller girl explained as she took Edith's hands in her own and settled them down to her waist.
"I know, I just do it better." Edith spoke leaning in closer towards her ear, to then kiss the top of her neck as she pulled the white sweater that the girl wore over her head and dropping it to the floor. Leaving Meredith completely bare In front of the naked as well ginger girl.

"Please it's not like it's your first time seeing me like this." Edith rolled her hers as she stepped into the steaming bathtub. Her hands connected with Meredith's as she pulled her in along with her. Bubbles reached over the two girls breast, covering there bodies in clouds of soap as they both sat on opposites sides of the tub. Legs touching on each sides.

Meredith's arms were crossed over her breast as she then began to curl her legs up into her body, she felt so uncomfortable in the slot she was in at the moment as she stared at Edith. But Edith liked baths with her, and that is what Meredith would do if Edith liked it, because that's what love was. At least what Meredith thought love was.

But the Raven haired girl wouldn't have done what she's done with Edith if she was a man. If Edith was a man Meredith would run, far away from where she lived to hide behind the shadows of the many walls of what she called home.  But Edith wasn't a man, she was much younger much more beautiful, she smelled nicer and she said nicer things than many men said to her in the past.

"Why are you so curled up?" Edith asked her friend across from her bringing her right hand up from the water to touch her knee. Meredith shivered at her touch as she gently bring her arms away from her chest. The bubbles still covering most of her body,
"I'm just not very comfortable," Meredith replied a slight blush could be seen on her pale face as she spoke those words.

Edith's eyes widened a pit of guilt filled her stomach as she stared at Meredith.
"We can stop if you want you know," she said beginning to stand up from her spot.
"No!" Meredith shouted as she quickly grabbed onto Edith's hand pulling her back into the water, as she landed next to or almost on top of Meredith's own body.
"Well hello to you too," Edith giggled as she wrapped her arms around the taller girls shoulders are she blushed.

Many were shocked to find Edith Ambermathy and Meredith Opal back together the day after they had met. This was very rare for Edith, so rare it had never happened before. Many had thought that Edith would dump Meredith the next day as she did the others. They all thought that Meredith would be heart broken, not that anyone cares the poor girl never let anyone in. No one knew what went on in Meredith Opals head, they had no clue what her parents did for a living. If she had any siblings, or simply what her favorite color was. No one knew who the Raven haired girl was. She blended into crowds and kept her head down during class. She said no words and when you try she would just stutter.

For then when Edith Ambermathy walked through the school doors hands connected with the ones of Meredith Opal for the fourth day, whispers spread through out the school hallways. They spread from the youngest ears to the very oldest. Teachers were even shocked of the two girls actions as they passed in out of there class rooms.

"They won't last 7 days,"

"I bet there just shagging that's why they're still together."

"I would want to see that."

Then later months passed, Edith Ambermathy walked through the same school doors with the same fingers entangled with hers. She kissed the same lips every night, and she looked into the same eyes every morning. Edith has never felt like this ever before, she had never felt such a feeling like the one she felt when she locked lips with Meredith Opal.
It was as if she had a meaning to live, a meaning to love. Alas the ginger haired girl didn't quite know what love was, she didn't quite understand this such thing called love. But what ever she felt for the older girl she would have called it love.

The long nights that she would lay in Meredith's arms grew flowers in her stomach, it made her cheeks grown warm and her brain grow fuzzy. It made her feel that all she will ever need in her life is the girl that laid in the same bed as she. Maybe she was right, but Meredith Opal had no clue of what she was. Or what they were, she had no clue of what she felt she didn't know if she even felt anything. Or what this strange thing called love was.

But Edith Ambermathy was happy and that's all that mattered.

Authors note!
Hey sorry this chapter is one day late, but I'm gonna try to get a chapter up every Tuesday. The Aesthetic is made from my baby Fangirl__Fictions it's beautiful. I've been so inspired and excited for a story as much as I am for this one. This chapter was a flashback and so will the next one, but don't worry that will be the last flash back in a while. I just feel like I'm moving a little bit too fast. Plus I want to tell Edith's past and how her brain works and stuff. Thank you for reading! And please comment I love reading comments and they make me smile.

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