I Will Get You Back

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Mary had enough of this crap.

All the years of teasing, all the names because, so what, she dressed differently than everybody else? So what she dyed her hair often and got piercings over her body, so what that she wore different makeup than what society wanted? She was sick, and so goddamn tired of everything, all of this.

Mary wanted revenge.

So here she was, two am on the front lawn of her crush's yard, with a bottle of spraypaint and toilet paper and eggs at hand. She could get arrested for this, but it wouldn't be that bad, because Mary wouldn't have to deal with Erik in jail. Anything would be better.

Mary shook the black paint and went to the side of the house where nobody was watching and took a deep breath. This was crossing the line between inner hatred to vandalism. But Mary wanted this revenge, so, so bad. Her excitement to finally do something for herself won out against her timid, vulnerable side. Mary was sick of her vulnerability. She wanted to be strong. She wanted to be somebody.

So in paint, Mary wrote the letters: "Suck it, bitch" on the side of the house. Now the rest would have to be quick otherwise she knew she'd get caught. 

Then Mary TP'd the tree and threw the rest onto the lawn; following was the star on the tree, the egg yolks splattered on the windows, decorating the grass and the door. Then Mary scurried away, unnoticed. 

She ran away as fast as she could into the night, filled with a sense of adrenaline and unnatural happiness being that Erick would be furious tomorrow. And his parents too, but nobody would know it was her. Plus, the spray paint wasn't permanent, so after a powerwash it'd come off. Mary wanted revenge but she wasn't evil. It wasn't Erik's parents' fault for giving birth to Satan, right?

As Mary fled, the memories of Erik flooded her mind. Yes, he was her crush. But that was before he cheated. Before he started to call her names, and put her down. Before he spread rumours hat Mary was the school slut and that she should kill herself because of it.

So Mary was just done, and that was it. From now on, nobody messes with Mary. 

Of course Mary thought this through. She thought everything through with precise caution. Her friend Lilac was supposed to meet her two blocks from the school, picking her up with her Chevy. Lilac got that for her birthday, and it was no problem to Lilac since she was proud to flaunt off the car. Mary also thought out the conseuences. So yeah, Lilac knew, but Lilac was her best friend. There was no way she'd tell anybody.

And there Lilac was, parked on the side of the street with the flashing lights, phone in hand. Lilac was always on Instagram. Mary had never seen a day without wi-fi with her. Mary assumed it would be an apocalypse, where Lilac had no service. The day there was no wi-fi, the day Lilac went to hell. Or will be one, at least.

Mary got in the car, motioning for Lilac to start driving again. She turned down the radio and then hit the gas. Lilac was going to drop Mary off at home, both of their parents not noticing they left. Lilac did as she was told, suprisingly, and let Mary go quickly. Too much noise and light from the car would wake the parents. If not for being six blocks from his house, Mary would've preferred walking. 

The window to her room was open, ready for her to come back. When she climbed inside, everything looked in order. Her books were in place. Her phone was in place. Her anime DVD collections were still on her shelves. Nothing was out of order. 

So Mary closed the window and prayed nobody would hear her come in, then tucked into bed. Mary was already in her sleepwear--she thought everything through--so it was a breeze. But her phone started to vibrate, and Mary leaped out of bed to make the noise stop. It was all so technical--Mary's parents would know something was up if somebody texted her in the middle of the night.

Plus, Mary was curious. Must be Lilac. She flipped her phone sideways and clicked on the message. There were five words that scared Mary whole-heartedly. She decided her fate was already locked in place now, and Mary didn't want to be caught. But at least she got that tiny sliver of revenge, right? Right?

"I will get you back." ~Erik

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