Chapter 1- Meeting Naoto

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Naoto's POV:

My name is Naoto Shirogane I live with my grampa in the small, quiet town of Inaba, I am an ace detective, a student of Yasogami high school year 1 class 1 and a member of the investigation team. The investigation team a group made up of high school students such as myself consisting of year 1 and year 2, there are 8 members in total and we all, as crazy as it sounds rescue people by jumping into the TV world. I have just recently become a member after purposefully getting myself kidnapped by a serial killer and proving that he is still out there and not being held by the cops.

After I was thrown into the TV world, which I had believed to be a made up lie by the people who I now consider my close friends, I was faced by my other self... my shadow. Up until that point I had lied to everyone around my about my identity well more my gender. I wanted to be taken seriously as a detective so I dressed, acted and even deepened my tone of voice to be more male in the public eye I even gained the nickname 'The detective prince' as a further means of coverage, I went through all lengths to hide the fact that I am a girl.

Being an ace detective whilst still in high school is more challenging than fun and games, for me especially. I had always been inept at making friends, therefore leaving me all alone for as long as I could remember. My parents had died in an accident whilst I was still young leaving me to my grampa. As a result of being unable to make friends effectively I decided to focus all my energy on my job gaining me the position of an ace detective.

However not everyone I worked with was happy with my help, my status as a child was effective enough to offend many of those whom I worked with. The Inaba police department was no different in that respect than the big city from which I transferred from. I was asked to help solve a serial murder case in Inaba as a special investigator by request of the prefectural police, bringing me back to my point of using myself as bait to lure out the true killer, putting my faith and life in the hands of kids that I had once chose to dis-believe.

They had come for me in time, however they had heard everything my shadow had said. About my parents, my 'child' status and my true gender. I was scared that they would hate me for lying after they had been so nice to me despite my acting male. However when they had fought off my shadow turning it harmless once more after my denying it being me, they had told me that they accepted me just as I am and that I should accept myself too. After that I had gained my persona power, Sukuna-Hikona.

My friends, the investigation team consisting of 8 members; Yu Narukami our leader from class 2-2, Yosuke Hanamura the jokester of class 2-2, Chie Satunaka the more tomboyish girl from class 2-2, Yukiko Amagi her family owns and runs the Amagi inn also from class 2-2, Kanji Tatsumi I knew him before I joined he once acted like a notorious delinquent to hide his true hobbies and his true self from class 1-3, Rise Kujikawa a former idol who is taking a break from her work from class 1-2, Myself from class 1-1 and Teddie a mysterious character who once called the TV world home.

I had always found that Kanji-kun in particular acted strange around me as compared to the others, always flustered and nervous never really sure what to do or say. I had always found that odd yet intriguing about him none the less I am closer to him that I am with the others he is not my 'best friend' as some call it but I do trust him with my life and I know he would trust me with his if the situation ever called for it.

Once I had rested up after gaining my persona I joined their team, allowing me to join the hunt of the true killer. It has only been a week since I joined the investigation team and become close friends with everyone I was enjoying not hiding my true self until, the school found out my gender, that's where things started to take a turn for the worst for me and that is where my story begins.

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