Hello Sadness

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Parker wasn't collapsed in the bed for five minutes when her cell phone rang. Releasing a cry into the apartment, she answered, inhaling a deep breath that initiated her fake attitude, "Hello, this is Parker Sy-- ah, damn, Allen. Parker Allen. What do you want?"

"On this fine, safe, Zoom-free evening, I would like to extend an invitation to you pertaining to one event and one event only: a celebratory dinner!"

"Did the sun go down? I think the sun went down by the time you finished that greeting, Iris," sighed Parker, "I'll go on one condition: lasagna."

"Of course."

"Jello shots?"

"You can't have any, though?"

"Believe me, I know, but it'll be nice to look at them."

"I can have those done as fast as possible."

"They don't even have to be jellied," begged Parker.

"I will have them. You'll be here?"

"Faster than you can say, 'jello shots,'" she agreed.

"See you."

Parker let out another groan into the air before she rolled out of the bed. She pulled on the first blue jeans she saw, wiggled into the first clean shirt she saw, and shrugged on Barry's off-red bomber jacket before she ran out of the door. 

"Holla!" shouted Parker when she pushed through the door to the West house.

"What's happening, playa?" called Cisco, raising his beer in her honor.

Parker clapped her hands. "Where are my jello shots?"

"In the fridge," said Iris.

"Oh, beautiful, I'm feeling scandalous," cheered Parker.

Joe jumped in front of Parker, stopping her before the kitchen. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! You are not drinking jello shots with my grandchild in your stomach."

"You're never too young to have your first jello shot," said Parker joyfully.

"Poppa denies that. No grandchild of mine is having her first jello shot while in her mother's stomach," said Joe.

"Poppa?" laughed Wally. 

"You know what, Joe, you're right. I think beer from a keg is the first lick of alchol this baby should get. Iris, call Bobby the Keg Boy!"

"You think he's still in service?" wondered Iris.

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing!" chirped the girls. 

Suddenly, they took notice of the awaiting Allen men, observing the interaction worriedly. 

"She wasn't serious about the jello shots, was she?" wondered Henry. 

"Parker's always serious about jello shots," said Barry, entering into the dining room, "now, what in the world?"

"Blame Iris!" shouted Cisco. 

"Okay, I just figured that since Henry is officially back for good we should celebrate, and since Zoom is gone, and the city is quiet right now, and Parker is pregnant!" explained Iris happily.

"Jello shots for all!" claimed Parker.


"I will have one in your honor," said Barry. 

Henry raised his hand. "I'll take one, too."

"They aren't solid," pouted Parker.

"Would my daughter-in-law drink it anyway?" wondered Henry.

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