Chapter 6

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How was school?

"Good I guess, I hope you didn't get too lonely while I was gone."

Shrugging her shoulders Leah begins to decorate the page of the notebook where she had written her question. Her handwriting has improved over the past week, and she seems content to draw all day.

I've found a lot of interesting things to do with Leah. For example, she doesn't necessarily need to eat. Which.... Is quite strange to think about. I don't think she minds that much, but when I first spoke of food, she seemed intrigued. Maybe I can smuggle her a donut or something. I'm sure she'd love something sweet.

A few days ago, both myself and Leah had discovered something quite strange. When she had first taken my notebook, I was stunned she could pick up something from my room that was supposedly just a reflection; an image. What was strange was that the notebook in the real world, stayed exactly where I had dumped it previously.

Two days after she had taken the notebook and a pencil, I realised that the one on my desk had something odd about it. It seemed to be.... Transparent, almost. I could see the splintered wood of my desk through the notebook, which is definitely not supposed to happen.

So imagine the shock of waking up for school the next day, only to find my notebook missing from my desk, along with the pencil.

Leah was shocked and had apologised profusely for making it vanish, but I don't mind. She was enjoying it much more then I ever was.

A tapping noise caught my attention. Turning to the mirror, Leah holds the notebook up against the glass, waiting for me to finish reading and respond to her.

What happened to your face? Is it alrite?

She was definitely better at writing, but she still misspelt a few words every now and then. I've been trying to teach her as much as I can, but to be honest, I've never been that great at spelling and grammar myself.

I haven't told her about the beatings I receive at school. Not the smartest idea I've had since it's not like I can hide the ugly bruise that's splattered across the left side of my face. I mean she is literately my mirror.

Matt thankfully missed my eye today, but my cheek is swollen and throbbing.

"I'm fine. Just something that happened at school,"

Someone hurt you at school? Why wood they do that? You're a good person.

I don't believe that it is possible to have a good person and a bad person. Everyone has good inside them, and everyone has something bad lurking deep down. Some just prefer to do the bad things instead of the good things.

Well, that's what Mum used to tell me anyway.

"I'm not a good person Leah, but I suppose I'm not a bad person either. There's just this group of boys that like to pick on me 'cause they know that I won't fight back." I shrug.

Why dont you fight back?

I pause, contemplating. Why don't I fight back? What harm would it do?

"I don't know... I don't want to?"

Leah gave me the look. You know the look parents or teachers give you when they know you're not being completely honest?

You shouldn't let them push you.

That's easier said then done.

* * * *


I turn my head to the teacher, pausing from packing up my stuff.

"May I speak with you for a minute please?"

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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