18. Disaster Date

Start from the beginning

I slumped back into my seat. "Alright." I let a sigh escape my lips.

It didn't take long to get to his house. But it was more like a mansion. He had driven into a wealthy part of town, a few blocks away from my own home, but the houses were much bigger. There was a large garden and the drive way was a long path that led to the front of the mansion. He parked his car by the bottom of a set of stairs that led to the front door. He went around to open my door and said, "I might be a while because my house is pretty big. You might want to come inside."

I got out of the car and followed him up the many steps. He opened the front door and we stepped inside. The moment we went through the door, I saw a young woman sitting on the couch. She was texting away on her cellphone, but she immediately looked up when she heard us. There was a glare on her face as she took me in. She spat, "Jaidon, who is this?"

She already knew who I was. I had seen her briefly when I went to dinner with Luke's father. Perhaps she hadn't looked at me when I first saw her and didn't remember me. "Ashley, this is Lilliam Pierce. Lilliam, that's Ashley." He said her name like it was nothing important.

"You're my boyfriend." She stated.

I don't want him, I thought in my mind, but refrained myself from saying it out loud. Jaidon chuckled, finding her statement to be amusing. "We went out like once." Then he added, "And I never even asked you to be my girlfriend."

"It was a non-verbal agreement." She said, her golden curls bounced as she got up from her spot on the couch.

"Sorry if you thought you were my girlfriend. The truth is I'm not interested in you. I want Lilliam." He shrugged his shoulders innocently.

"You took him from me." Ashley accused.

I raised my arms up in defense. "I didn't. I barely even know him. I don't want to cause trouble between you guys. I should go." I turned on my heels to make my escape towards the exit.

There was a tug at my arm as Jaidon prevented me from leaving. "Don't go." He said, but it sounded more like an order than a request.

"Your girlfriend is angry." I pointed out.

"She's not my girlfriend." He clarified.

I didn't really care if she was his girlfriend or not. I only wanted an excuse to get out of going on a date with Jaidon. So far, it seemed things weren't working out for me. "Whatever she is, I don't want her to start some sort of crazy war against me just because she wants you."

"Don't worry about Ashley." He told me. "She barks, but doesn't bite."

"Shut up, Jaidon." Ashley said from behind us.

He linked arms with me, with that ever present smirk on his face and led me towards the door. He paused for a second, seeming to spot what he was looking for and grabbed it off a small table next to the door.  It was a black wallet with the letters 'JS' engraved into it with gold lettering. He slipped it into his pocket and then we were out.


The date with Jaidon was awkward to say the least, with him attempting ever so casually to flirt with me.

He had set up a bunch of activities for us to do at a local park.

The activities were things like archery, go carting, and a scavenger hunt. It all made me feel as if I were in some sort of boot camp, especially when we did the rock climbing sections. With a bit of a struggle, I was able to get up the rock wall that was about the height of a building and by the time I got back down, my hands were sore and full of calluses. Jaidon seemed to be built for sports though, he did everything with ease.

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