"What are you talking about?!" I shout. "I may have the gift to sense things, but that does not mean that I yearn for them. Just because I can feel the dark evil seeping from you does not mean that I DESIRE it! That was YOUR assumption!" He actually cowers a bit from my shrill tone as I take a single step closer to him.

"You hypocritical bastard! You are the traitor! You are a monster! You raped Zena! Me! And gods knows how many others!"

His cowering expression fades as a more vile grin lingers on his horrific face.

"Oh, there were others. Many others."

I am wishing more than ever now that my wings could rebirth. If only I could spread them out in their mighty strength. Then, perhaps, he truly might feel frightened!

"I have not betrayed anyone. Loki is dead. He has been dead for a long time. He would understand! He would want me to be happy. UNLIKE YOU!" 

He glares at me over his tilted, pointy chin.

"You are the evil one, Sethos! You destroyed me! You destroyed everything that I loved! Because of you, I will be forever haunted by so many horrific nightmares Just like this one. You are Satan in his most disgusting form! YOU KILLED MY DAUGHTER, YOU SON OF A BITCH!"

He roars in fuming anger as he suddenly flies forward before pinning me up against the stone wall behind us.

"You ignorant fool! I did not kill her! YOU were the one that was too weak to save her! Had you been the Queen that I thought you to be, you would have found a way to keep her alive!"

"NO! YOU BEAT ME TO THE POINT OF DEATH! I HAD NO WAY OF SAVING HER! IT WAS YOU! IT WAS ALL YOUR FAULT!"  He brings a hand up and wraps his deathly long fingers around my throat. He holds tight enough to barely restrict my breathing, but he does not attempt to choke me. The feel of his touch instantly sends for my very core to tremor in gutting terror. All those times he touched me only led to misery and ghastly torture.

"Let me go!" I hiss before spitting in his face. He pays no never mind to my degrading gesture. He only continues to hold me by my neck, glaring so very hatefully into my burning eyes.

"I may have killed your daughter, dear one. But that is why I have come.....for you are killing someone that means a great deal to me. An eye for an eye, so to speak..." 

My skips a beat as I hear his response.

"What are-," But his grasp around my vocal chords tightens enough to cut me off.

"I am here to stop you before you destroy him....I may be a demon in its most insidious form, but I will not stand for watching you rip him apart." I stare into his eyes, searching desperately for any answers as I hone in on my senses. But I can find nothing behind the blackness of his eyes.

"If I do not kill you, then your actions will certainly kill him. I cannot let that happen, for it is his place to take upon my position and be rightful heir to the throne. He was meant for greatness, and all you are managing to do is detour him from that."

Overcoming the Darkness (A Loki Love Story) Book 4 of Darkness SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now