Chapter 1

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Five years ago...

(Helena's POV)


I heard a voice call me but I ignored it. I'm sure that it is that womanizer Axcell Walker again. Seriously, that guy thinks that he is God's gift to women. He just won't stop bugging me ever since I met him six months ago. He was like a creepy stalker that just kept on appearing out of nowhere. He may be handsome but I still feel a little bit wary with him. Maybe it is because he shares a lot of similarities with Julian. I just hope that he won't turn out to be a psycho murderer as well.

I shudder at the thought of Julian Ashcroft. It's been more than two years but I still can't get him out of my head. He was like a nightmare that just won't end.

"Gotcha!" I felt a pair of arms envelop me in a tight hug from behind.

"What the-" I struggled to get out of the stupid guy's hold.

I stomped at his foot and he let go of me with a loud groan.

"Damn girl! Why do you keep on hurting me? I just want to know you more." He grinned wickedly.

"And I don't. So back off." I glared at him.

"Okay! Okay!" He raised his arms in surrender. "But can I at least get your number?"

"No." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Pretty please?" He gave me a puppy eyed look. What the actual fuck?!

"Go away, asshole." I started walking away but he caught my arms.

"Let me go!" I panicked because his grip is too tight. I started struggling but we were on a deserted area of the campus.

I suddenly remembered Julian and the horrible memories of two years ago came slamming back to me. I am afraid.

"Stop!" I cried.

"Dammit, Helena! I like you. You know that. Why can't you just give me a chance?" He asked me, green eyes dark with some emotions I can't explain. Then, he let go of my arms. "I'm sorry."

I turned on my heels and ran.

I sighed in relief when I reached the library. I was about to enter but someone came running... And crashing over me.

I landed on my butt with a loud grunt.

"Sorry, Helena." I looked at the guy who accidentally bumped me. It's Peter Sanders, my classmate on one of my subjects.

His eyeglasses that are usually perched at the tip of his nose are missing and he is wheezing quite loudly. There is something different with him today. Is it because his usually slicked back hair is now standing in every direction or is it because he traded his suspenders with a stylish tee?

Seriously, I prefer the older style. This just won't make sense. (And yes... This is coming from me who had no fashion sense back in high school.)

"Hi, Peter." I stood up.

"Uh.. I'm sorry for what happened. I just uh... Want to give you this." He gave me a red rose.

"Uh, thank you..?"

"Uh... Helena, can we go out on a date?" He smiled at me, exposing his rainbow colored braces.

I looked at him, quite dumbfounded. "Peter, what is this all about?" I asked him when I recovered.

"I like you. And I want to be your boyfriend."

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped at his bluntness.

"Peter, you know that I don't accept suitors. I'm not ready for that kind of relationship. Excuse me, I gotta get going."

"You're going to be my girlfriend, Helena! We are perfect for each other! We are both nerds! We like-"

I didn't let him finish his sentence, I ran inside the library.

"Helena!" I saw my best friends, Luke and Michael on a table by the window. Yes, we became best of friends. Maybe it is because all the three of us experienced what is it to be almost killed by a psycho maniac. We are all studying at the same University although we have different courses. Luke is taking up Marine Biology (he loves sea animals) while Michael is taking up Political Science (I think he wants to be a lawyer someday) and I am taking up Education.

Then, I noticed that they have a company. Or rather, Luke has a company. I secretly grinned. It looks like one of my best buddy is struck by one of Cupid's arrows.

She's beautiful but looks a little bit tomboyish with that Yankees cap. She has gray eyes and dirty blonde hair. She is wearing a shirt and jeans but still manages to look like a celebrity.

"Hey!" I smiled at them and sat on a vacant chair. "Care to introduce your...friend to us, Lucas?"

Both Lucas and the girl blushed furiously. "Oh, yeah. Helena... This is Athena Clearwater... She's also a freshman like us. She's taking up Architecture.. And... She's my... Uh... Girlfriend.." His face is as red as a tomato.

My eyes widened. "How come we never knew that you were courting someone?" I exclaimed in surprise.

"Well... We just met a few months ago on one of the organization fair and..." Luke scratched the back of his head.

"You forgot to mention that you fought endlessly for about 90% of the time before you realized that you like each other." Michael looked up from the book that he is reading and looked at the couple seriously.

"Well, she calls me seaweed brain all the time..." He smiled fondly at his girl.

"Because sometimes, you really look dumb." Athena grinned.

"Hi! I'm Helena Blackthorn." I smiled and reached out to shake her hand.

"I'm Athena Clearwater." She said with a grin. "So you are Helena..." She looked at me as if I am under a microscope. "I heard a lot of things about you. I was actually jealous at first but I realized that he looks at you as his younger sister." She looked at him and her intelligent gray eyes shone with love. That look is what I see every time I see my mum looking at my dad.

I suddenly felt sad. This is all Julian's fault.

"You're spacing out." Michael looked at me through his eyeglasses.

"I am?" I said and forced an awkward laugh.

"And you are holding a red rose." He sounded quite sad while he stared at the rose that I am clutching quite tightly.

"So... Who is the lucky guy who managed to give you a rose?" Luke asked playfully.

"No one. I just forgot to give it back." I sighed and carelessly tossed the rose on the table.

"Bad day?" Michael asked.

I shrugged. I don't need to bother them with my another weird encounter with Axcell. And they also don't need to know about Peter. I'm used to pretty weird people anyway. Considering the fact that have been called weirdo plenty of times in the past.

I looked outside the window. The University Library is four storeys high and we are on the first floor. I can see the soccer field outside. There are some students playing even though it's really hot outside. The sky looks really clear. It looks like it's going to be a beautiful day but I feel that something bad is going to happen.

Then it happened.





Something... Or rather, someone fell out of the building. And whoever he or she is, I'm pretty sure he or she is dead because a pretty big amount of blood spattered at the glass window.

A/N: Sorry for not updating for too long. I'm quite busy with school. :) Dedicated to her because she made me a cover :)

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