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The pregnancy test was gripped in your hand, and you almost dropped it from the shaking of your hands. You were entirely nervous on what may happen in these few short moments, but the feeling was indescribable. Nerve-wrecking and high blood pressure added, yes, but also exciting, joyful, and special. It was an overwhelming experience, and you just hoped it was everything you ever wanted.

You and your two year boyfriend—now fiancé since last month—may be expecting an extension to the already forming family. Ross took you on this spectacular trip to the Bahamas, and he proposed to you right there on the beach during the sunset. It was so romantic and perfect, and you wanted nothing more than to spend infinity with the one you loved.

Although that vacation was amazing, the night he proposed to you...you lost your virginity to Ross. You two vowed to wait until marriage, but neither of you could wait much longer. You loved each other deeply, and craved to feel one another. You were on the pill, so you figured why use protection? So you two ended up making love to each other with no barriers.

Just skin.

You had no idea why, but now you were witnessing morning sickness, you missed your menstrual cycle, and you swear you gained five pounds overnight. At first maybe you thought you had food poisoning, but that was not the solution.

But how could this be possible? You wondered to yourself. You were on birth control...h-how?

Then you remembered that day you didn't take you birth control. You ran out of pills!

Shit. Your subconscious growled inwardly. Not that you were not thrilled of having children with Ross, but you wanted to wait until marriage. The last thing you wanted was to get married with a huge stomach walking down the aisle in a too tight of a gown. This was terrible timing, just horrible. You two are getting married in a month—couldn't you have just waited until marriage?!

But temptation and love took its toll over resistance. So you two had sex, and you may be pregnant.

The timer dinged off, and you practically fell off the bathroom counter. You darted for the pregnancy test, examining the results.

A little + appeared on the screen, and you felt your stomach start doing somersaults. You were getting married in a month, and already expecting a baby.

How is Ross going to react to this? You guys never thoroughly discussed having children, but you knew he wanted kids, too.

Oh god, this is going to be such a mess! A tiny voice inside of you groaned in frustration.

During your mini panic attack, you heard the front door of the condo you and Ross lived in creak open. You dove for the pregnancy test, shoving it in the pockets of your skinny jeans that were beginning to get tight around the waist.

You were not bloated, or gaining weight—you were knocked up.

"Babe?" Ross's voice rang through the quaint condo. You quickly pad out of the bathroom, emerging into the master bedroom. Ross's back was faced towards you, as he dug inside his top drawer of his dresser. You gulped nervously, feeling your stomach churn. "Oh, hey Y/N." Ross jumped in surprise once he saw you standing right there.

He walked up to you, giving you a light peck on the cheek with a bright smile on his face. You opened your mouth slightly, wanting to say something. But nothing came out, and your voice was trapped in your throat.

"What is it?" Ross smirks at your expression. "Dumbfounded by my good looks?" He teases, knowing that would make you laugh. But instead, you just stand there like a frozen statue with a expressionless face. "Y/N?" Ross waves a hand in front of your face. "What's the matter? Your face looks like you watched a scary movie or saw something that scarred you. Did you catch your parents together watching Italian porn again?"

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