Chapter one

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Scott walked out of the store, smiling at the sight of Mitch and two fans chatting away.

"That must be one of their dads"he thought happily, when he saw a man put his hand on one of the girls.
He didn't pay much attention to it, because he had a text from an unknown number.

"Look up"
It said simply.

"Izzie!!!" He heard someone scream.
He snapped his head up.
What he saw shocked him.
The man had his teeth sunken into the girls neck, a trickle of blood running from it.
Mitch had grabbed the other girl, and put her in the car.
Scott ran over there, dropping his stuff in the process.
He picked up a metal rod, and whacked the guys head hard.
"Call the police!" He told Mitch, hitting the man again.
He laughed "there's nothing they can do! You think this bothers me?" Scott yanked izzie away from the man roughly.
"Ok i don't know who, or what you are. But you leave. Now!"
He scoffed "please, I have no interest in the girl! I just wanted to be sure that he" he pointed to Mitch "remembered me."
He and Mitch locked eyes, "Mitch" said the man. "You smell amazing...come with me, I promise I won't hurt you"
Mitch rolled his eyes "yeah because I'm just supposed to trust you."
"Your choice Mitch, but you can't catch me, and I'm leaving." He gave Mitch a peck on his left cheek.
Mitch pushed him away.
Scott heard sirens approaching.
"Wait" said Mitch, "is she going to turn into a vampire?" He asked plainly.
Izzie stiffened in Scott's arms.
"Oh god no!" Said Grace from the seat of the car, her eyes wide.
The man smirked "she wishes"
They all sighed in relief.
"Everyone knows that turning is a long process" he said with a smirk, looking deep into Mitch's eyes, and licking his lips seductively. "A process I'd love to do with this one" he said, before somehow fading into a mist,

Scott blinked. "Um...what just happened?"

The police cars pulled up suddenly, alarms blaring, and lights flashing.

The four of them quickly explained what had happened, while the officers exchanged worried glances.
An ambulance came for Izzie, and a police car took grace home.

Scott and Mitch were silent the entire drive back to their house.

They pulled up to their driveway, and Scott got out.

Mitch just stared off into the distance, not moving.

"Mitch?" Asked Scott, worried.
"Are you okay?"

Mitch looked up at him, his eyes glassy,
"Yeah...." He whispered, putting a hand to his left cheek
"I'm fine..."

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