9: Find Sean A Date

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Extra chapter!! May not seem that important but trust me...it is . -Author

Riley's POV

It was lunch time and T and Vera were sucking each others faces while Sean and I pretend to gag. Blake walks by us and takes a seat beside me. I take a scoop of my yoghurt but before I put it in my mouth Blake pecks my lips. "Hey." I pull back and breathe out. He smiles. "Hey."

Blake tries to pull me back in for another kiss but Sean interrupts us. "Please not you guys!" He pleads. Blake and I turn our heads to Sean. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"I don't want to be the fifth wheeler!" He whines. Vera and TJ pull back. "Oh stop being such a child, Sean." Vera flicks her hand at Sean. "Whatever I'm over this." He rolls his eyes and walks out of the cafeteria.

"He needs a date." TJ and Blake chorus. "Oh I know someone." Blake's eyes widen. "Who?" Vera asks.

Blake continues. "I have this friend back in Florida. She was part of my group of friends, her name is Monika. She texted me last week saying that's she's moving here this week." I suddenly get a pang of jealousy.

Who was this Monika? Why hasn't he ever told me about her? Did they date before? Were they really close? Ugh, this is confusing me.

"Can we see a picture of her?" I blurt out. Blake whips out his phone and scrolls through some photos. He finally clicks one and its him with this girl. She's average height, straight dirty blonde hair, sparkling brown eyes, and a bright set of pearly whites.

"She's perfect for Sean!" Vera squeals. "Yeah." I mumble, focusing more on my yoghurt I forgot was in front of me. "Oh yeah and uh, she's my ex." Blake lowers his head and scratches the back of his neck.

I bite my lower lip and get up. "I'm going to get ready for my next class. See you guys." I wave at Vera and T then give Blake a kiss. He smiles into the kiss and whispers in my ear.

"If you think she'll ruin our relationship, she won't. She's a nice girl, I promise." He says before kissing me one more time. I pull back smile and nod my head. He saw right through me and how I was feeling.


"Another day of school." I yawn to myself and hop out of bed. I take a quick shower than tie my hair into a high ponytail. It was girl's soccer tryouts today, I've tried out every year and made it to the team.

Coach has even permanently made me captain for as long as I stay until I graduate cause I'm so good. Well, he said until there's someone better than me but he doubts that there will be. I smile to myself. I love soccer, I started playing right after Blake left it was my whole life.

I then remember all the posters of famous soccer players hung on the walls of my room. I put on my green Ed Sheeran sweatshirt with the black ex logo on it. I slip on some black jeans then grab my black and white Nikes.

After, I get all my stuff and stuff it in my bag then walk out to the kitchen. "Hey, Blake?" I shout. He wasn't around. "Blake?" I shout again.

Ms. West walked out of her room while running her eyes. Her eyes focus on me. "Honey, Blake isn't here. He left earlier saying he was meeting a friend." She says.

"Oh okay, sorry." I show an apologetic smile. I look at the clock. "Oh shoot, I'm gonna be late. Sorry gotta go!" I grab myself an apple and my lunch I packed last night then run out the door.

I get to school on time. Vera and T were had their backs toward me and they were looking at something. I run up to them and look their direction. It was Blake, Sean, and this girl. It seemed like Sean was drooling over her cause his jaw dropped. The girl was wearing a white lacy dress with black knitted sweatshirt with matching knee high socks.

"Who's the girl?" I ask them. "Monika." TJ replies with his jaw dropped too. Vera snaps out of her trance and hits T. "Don't look at her like that!" She scolds. T whimpers from the pain then Vera kisses him.

When she pulls away she brings her attention to me. "Monika's going to be very popular. I can tell." She says.

I roll my eyes and shrug then go over to where Blake was. When I get there Monika turns around and smiles at Blake. "Riley, babe." He turns to me and kisses me on the lips. "You must be Monika?" I put my hand out.

She looks at Blake then me, then back at Blake then back at me, still with a wide smile on her face. Monika, unexpectedly gives me a tight squeeze and says. "Good luck with him." She jokes, I awkwardly laugh.

She pulls back then scrunched her brows at Blake. "And you." She points her finger at him. "I approve, so don't hurt her."

Blake rolls his eyes and smiles. The bell suddenly rings and we're all off to class. Monika gets on her tippy toes and noogies him in the top of his head. "See ya, Blakey!" She shouts while running into the school.

I imitate her voice and poke at Blake's chest. "See ya, Blakey." Before I can walk a meter away he pulls me back and connects our lips together. He smiles into the kiss then says. "See ya, Riles."


When walking to the cafeteria I see Sean at Monika's locker. She looked like she was blushing and Sean looked nervous. A few seconds later his eyes light up and he gives her a tight hug. Minima starts laughing from his unexpected gesture.

He sees me then gives her a kiss on the cheek then runs over to me. He wraps an arm around me and slouches. "Let's go get lunch." He smiles widely. "So what's the news?" I walk with him.

"I'm gonna tell the group once we get there." He says, still with a cheeky smile plastered on his face.


What I found out after lunch was that Sean asked Monika out on a date!! I ship it!! They're both really good looking people and they look perfect together!

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