Protect Your Family

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Your P.O.V

The sun peeks shyly over the horizon, illuminating the morning sky. We sent the villagers on a journey West towards the Wind Clan village. Now, we march in the opposite direction. The sun beats down fiercely. An ominous danger lurks in the air. We approach a large canyon and suddenly I freeze. I motion for the rest of the group to kneel down. I place my hand firmly against the dusty canyon floor and close my eyes. I hear a muffled trot that turns into a rumbling jog. "Soldiers." I gas under my breath. I turn to Hak with a look of distress, but he is focused in on the approaching sound. He snaps his head towards me and violently shoves Yona into my arms.

"Go! Take Yona and get to higher ground above the canyon. Keep her safe." He demands with force, but the firm look in his eyes assures me that I am trusted. I grab Yona roughly by the wrist and drag her up the steep cliff of the gorge. We slam our backs against a ragged sandstone rock. We breathe in exasperated gasps and peer over the edge at the valley below. The soldiers approach briskly from the North and then they are halted by a command from their general. The soldiers stand dead in their tracks. The commander does not ask for names, he knows who we are. He speaks with caution and confidence.

"Return the Queen to us and we will not harm you." The commander raises his sword so the tip of his blade is directed towards Hak. There are too many enemies to fight and retreat seems futile. The arrogant thunder beast snickers under his breath. "So be it." The commander sighs and motions for his men to charge. Tens of soldiers come racing forward in overwhelming forces. Yona raises her bow to fire but I motion her to stop. If she fires now, the enemy will be alerted of our position. Hak and the dragon warriors fight onerously beneath us. I grunt in frustration at my inability to help out my comrades. Yona cringes at my distress, she feels the same way. I scan the scenery for any sight of impeding threats. I am able sense the presence of a third individual on the upper ledge of the gorge. I spot an enemy archer a few hundred feet away with his sights aimed on Hak. He already has his bow flexed, ready for the kill. There is no time for Yona to make a move and no time to alert Hak to dodge. His fate is almost inevitable.

Swiftly, I leap from the gorge's edge and fly towards Hak with unimaginable force. A look of ferocity and blood lust consumes me. Yona is able to shoot the enemy archer, but just a moment too late. I collide with Hak and thrust my palms outward from body. I send him tumbling to the ground in a scattered manner. Suddenly, my upper body is slammed backward and a stabbing pain emanates from my left shoulder. I clutch my shoulder in absolute agony and fall to my knees. I am unable scream due to the piercing pressure rising in my throat. I go numb and I feel my consciousness slowly slipping away. Hak is able to collect his thoughts from the unexpected blow. He sees my limp body hunched over on the ground and moves to approach me, but the commander stops him. He raises his sword with a sinister grin and instructs Hak to cease movement. The group stands in shock. The enemy soldiers lower their arms and back away towards the general. The crimson red that soaks my robe continues to grow. All I can manage to do is choke on my words and stare emotionlessly at the ground. The enemy's general places his boot on my side and kicks me over. He speaks with sinister and crude intention.

"Unfortunately, your comrade won't last long. That arrow was laced with a new neurotoxin the King has been working on. It prevents messages in the brain from reaching the muscles, paralyzing the body almost instantly. Soon enough his internal organs with shut down and he will die. But, if you are willing to return the Queen to us, we would be more than happy to bring him back to Kouka and administer the antidote." He chuckles and an ominous aura surrounds him. I can feel Hak's body freeze. Returning the Queen is no longer a viable option. I beg my body to move, I will my legs to stand, but I can't. My screams remain internal as I cry out to save my friends.

"It seems as though you are mistaken. Your beloved Queen is no longer with us." A cunning smirk overtakes his shaken stature. The commander's face washes white with disbelief.

"You speak lies! Die you criminal." The commander steps forward to rush Hak head on. At this rate all of my family will die. Hak will die... No! I won't let that happen. Everyone freezes like marble statues. All eyes are on me. Slowly, I rise from the ground. My movements are ghostly and lewd. I take on the appearance of a demon. I draw the katana from my back, grip it firmly with two hands and bound forward with all of the force left in my body. I sprint with precision, my speed as fast as a lion. The first victim steps forward and swings his sword high right. I dodge effortlessly and stab my blade through the square of his back. The second victim raises his sword from his side. Too slow. I plant my foot into the ground and pivot swiftly. My extended leg connects with the soldiers face, sending him flying into a rock a few short meters away. Finally, the general commands 3 soldiers to attack at the same time. I'm surrounded. I pounce with cat like form towards the soldier on my right. At the last second before his steel blade slices my pale neck, I roll left, tirelessly evading his assault. I kick my foot out, colliding with his trembling ankles. As he falls forward, I press my heel deep into his back and use the leverage to launch myself into the still air. I somersault once and flip my sword around so it points towards the stale earth. With my hands firmly gripped around my katana, I powerfully plunge my blade into the second soldier's chest. The third soldier drops his sword and backs away in terror.

"Retreat!" The general squeals in a high-pitched tone. After the last enemy is seen scrambling over the horizon, I convulse in agony. Despite my distress, I force a carefree smile across my face and turn towards my comrades. I begin to limp towards them; my body shakes and I force myself to remain standing. My body tingles and every step becomes more and more painful like a weight presses down on my shoulders.

"Have you lost your mind you idiot!" I stop walking and stand dead in my place. I'm dumbfounded. "Why would you ever put your life on the line like that? Do you realize you could die? Do you value your own life?" Hak screams, his face red with anger. My smile fades and I begin to sob violently. Hak resists the urge to continue his enraged fit. His expression softens at my words.

"I'm not going to stand by and watch you get hurt! You are my family now and I have to protect my family!" I struggle to pick up my lifeless feet in order to move forward, but I can't. All at once I go numb. I can no longer feel the limbs that extend from my body. My vision blurs and I stumble. My body sways to the left and the last thing I can see is Hak bounding towards me with his arms outstretched. Tears brim at the edges of his gentle eyes. 

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