Chapter Ten

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Madeline and Jaylin traveled in more silence after they had made their introductions. Madeline got the feeling that Jaylin wasn't a very chatty person, due to his lack of starting conversations and how he answered every question she asked rather, shortly. Madeline wanted to get to know this boy who she was lugging around on her back, but thought it best to only ask the minimum amount of questions.

The two stopped every once and awhile to rest. Madeline shared what little food she had with Jaylin. He accepted it gratefully, but still continued to be silent. Madeline realized that she didn't know why on earth Jaylin had been under that tree. Was he a runaway too? Madeline decided not to press the question.

After traveling for what seemed like years and years, they arrived on the outskirts of Windermere. Windermere was a town a little bigger than Springwhich, but still not that large. It would be quite a while before they reached any town the could remotely be called a city. The thing about Osprey was, that is was made up of a lot of little towns, such as Springwhich and Windermere. There were only a few larger cities in Osprey at all, the main one being Norfolk, Osprey's capital.

When the two arrived in Windermere, there were a few cars driving past the outskirts of town, near the forest, but Madeline knew that they would have to travel deeper into the town to find help. Which meant moving away from the forest, which was her safe haven. She took a deep breath, hoping beyond hope that this venture into Windermere wouldn't get her discovered.


Madeline's eyes were met with white. Lots and lots of white. Madeline had never been in a hospital before, all of her medical needs have been taken care of by a concierge doctor. But she had seen hospitals on tv, she just never really expected them to be this white. And smell so... clean.

Madeline and Jaylin made their way to the front desk, where a older lady sat, typing away at a computer. She looked up, smiling at the two. "May I help you?"

"Um, yes," Madeline said, keeping her head down low, hoping her baseball hat shielded her eyes and making sure her voice sounded deeper than normal. "My friend here, is inquired and we'd just like to make sure he's alright."

Madeline mentally slapped herself. She sounded so dumb and formal and as if she had never had normal human interaction, which pretty much was the case. However, she hoped she had pulled it off.

"Of course, right away," the lady said, typing away again at her computer. "Can I get a name please?"

"Jaylin," Madeline answered.

The lady looked at her expectantly. "And a last name?"

Madeline turned her head towards Jaylin, who hadn't given her a last name.

"Brant," Jaylin muttered.

"Thank you," the lady said, typing again. "You two can take a seat and the doctor will be with you shortly."

Madeline helped Jaylin make their way over to the waiting room, helped Jaylin sit down in one of the chairs then, sat down in the one next to it. There were very few people in the waiting room and Madeline wondered what time of day it was, for she had forgotten to pack a clock of some sorts. She looked around the room and found a clock hanging on the wall. It read, 12:34pm. She had been gone from the palace from almost a day and a half. Actually, she was surprised she made it that far.

"Jaylin Brant," a nurse wearing blue scrubs came out holding a clipboard. Madeline helped Jaylin up from his seat, but found he didn't need much help. He seemed to be getting a little better.

They followed the nurse down a hallway and to a door. "Do you mind if a sit out? Doctors make me nervous," Madeline whispered in Jaylin's ear as they approach the door.

Jaylin simply nodded, which Madeline took as a yes. The nurse opened the door and Jaylin limped in, leaving Madeline standing outside. The nurse closed the door and Madeline made her way back to the waiting room to sit and think.

She took a seat and thought over all that had happened. She figured after this, Jaylin and her would part ways. Part of her was glad for that, she prefered being on her own. But another part of her, a bigger part of her, was sort of intrigued by him. She wanted to know if he was running away too, or he had just been sleeping under a random tree in the middle of the woods. He had quite the mysterious vibe about him and Madeline was curious about him. She tried to deny it, but he also was very good looking, which was a fact she tried to overlook when thinking through her plan. Perhaps she would ask him if he wanted to travel with her, wherever she was going. It never hurt to have someone. Anyone for that matter.

Her only problem was not getting discovered. Sitting in this chair was risky business enough, because she was known all over Osprey. Her face was plastered on magazines all over the country and would especially be now because of the engagement. The engagement, Quinten, her parents, the palace. They all seemed so far away. She hadn't been traveling for very long, but she felt like it had been ages since the ball and Quinten confronting her.

She wondered if maybe running away had been a bad decision. Her parents, she knew, were furious at her and she could only imagine what Quinten would be thinking with that smug little smirk on his face. She thought about Nancy, and her wardrobe mistress and make-up artists, her tutor, her piano instructor. Were they worried about her? Did they miss her? What about her little brother, River and Theo? She had left without saying goodbye to them. Did they think she was an awful person? She sure felt like one.

But then she remembered how amazing it felt to be out in the open, all by herself, with no duties or appointments to remember. Madeline was free to be just, Madeline without the princess title over her head. She been a normal girl, running around, enjoying summer, while constantly on the run. Wow, she thought, You are one crazy chick.

"Excuse me? Your boyfriend is done with the doctor." Madeline looked up and saw the nurse who had taken Jaylin to the doctor's office.

Madeline blushed a little. "He's not my boyfriend."

"Oops, my mistake. I just thought that I'd let you know he's done and will be out in a minute." the nurse said, giving Madeline a small smile.

"Okay, thank you."

The nurse walked away and Madeline was left with her thoughts again. Until Jaylin walked down the hall, a little limp in his step, but besides that looking much better. His face held a hard, cold stare, but Madeline guessed that that was what his face looked like all the time. He had his hands shoved in his pocket, as he made her way towards where Madeline was sitting.

"What did the doctor say?" she asked, sitting up in her seat.

"Well, of course he asked what had happened, but I told him I ran into something, instead of the truth which is that he fell on me. From a tree. Then he took a look at my stomach, a few bruises, nothing major. He then gave me something for the pain and told me to try and be more careful." Jaylin said. Madeline noticed that he had a little more cheeriness in his voice than before. He seemed to have always had a montone sort of expression and no emotion in his voice what so ever, but now he seemed a little happier.

"Well, that's good. Do you," she paused, awkwardly, not really sure of what she wanted to say next. "Do you want to go get something to eat?"

Jaylin looked at her. His cold stare disappeared for a moment and Madeline thought he actually might have smiled. "Sure, let's go." 

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