Chapter Five

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Madeline and Quinten made their way through the palace, Madeline explaining different facts about some of the historical artifacts they had or about different rooms and what there purpose was. Quinten looked just as bored as Madeline felt. He had yet to say a single word to her, which Madeline was hoping/dreading.

"So," she started, awkwardly, "How are you feeling about the whole 'marriage thing'?" She asked, using air quotes around marriage thing.

Quinten just shrugged. "Eh. It was bound to happen sooner or later. I'm just mad it has to be to you."

Madeline's mouth dropped open. "Excuse me?" she said, rather loudly, glaring him.

Quinten rolled his eyes. "Oh, don't give me the whole, I am a princess speech. I've heard that too many times."

"I wasn't going to," Madeline said, staring down at the floor, because actually she was.

"I am sure you are a wonderful person or whatever, I just hate the fact that I have to be married to you, the future queen of Osprey. Obviously, once we're married and you're crowned queen, you will run the country and I'll be there to pose for pictures and look pretty. I have always been told I would be destined for great things, but I never thought it would be looking hot on a postcard."

Madeline was a little taken aback. She hadn't really expected Quinten to feel like that. In fact, she hadn't really known was to expect. This was just certainly not it.

"I had no idea you felt that way," she said, taking another glance at her feet.

Quinten laughed, rather rudely in fact. "Of course you didn't. You know nothing about me. I'm sure you were just jumping for joy at the thought of marrying me and now you are heartbroken." he smirked.

Madeline stared at him. Who is this guy? she thought, A complete and utter jerk, that's who! "For your information, Duke Quinten, I'm only marrying you for my kingdom. I'm not sure if you're aware of Osprey's financial situation. But, with your father's help, we are able to get out of that mess. That's where our marriage comes into play. It gives your father a connection to our family. I will have you know, if this marriage was for anything other than the safety and security of my family and my kingdom, I would not be marrying you."

"I did know the situation, your highness and I have to say, I am impressed. You would sacrifice your whole life, as it were, for the safety of your kingdom. That takes guts. However, I know about you. I know the whole situation that happened with you and the stable boy."

Quinten's words came as a shock to Madeline. "What do you mean the whole situation with the stable boy? You mean Conrad?"

Quinten shrugged. "Sure, if that's the boy you were photographed kissing in last week's paper."

"What?!" Madeline shouted, causing a few passing servants to look in their direction. She lowered her voice. "What do you mean by all of this? Are you making this up?"

"Would I make up such a thing like this?" he smirked at her, his face growing less and less attractive. "I wouldn't be surprised if you parents hid the paper from you. In fact, I think they might have gotten it unpublished. My family just so happens to have access to all the newspapers and magazines published in Osprey."

Madeline was shocked at how rude and annoying Quinten was being. "Where are you going with this?" she asked.

"Oh, you know, just the glory of having the satisfaction of knowing that your little secret is out. But also, perhaps when you are queen and I am king, you'll let me have control over certain things..." He stared her down, that disgusting smirk still on his face.

"What kind of things?" Madeline questioned. She hated wear this was going.

"Oh yeah know, everything." Quinten was rather evil.

"You mean, you want me to give up my position as ruler over some tiny little magazine article? So what if they caught me kissing Conrad or something? Heaven forbid, I, a 16 year old girl kiss a boy!" Madeline shouted, causing more passersby to look their way.

"Oh, I didn't say it was just a picture of a kiss, which is there, but my father knows some wonderful writers. They could turn that picture into something way more than a messly little kiss. What's his name...Conrad? His life would be quite different after the public found out about his little romance with the princess. Quite different."

Madeline was in quite a bind. This little prick just comes strutting in, expecting everyone to drop what they're doing and worship him. Better yet, he was blackmailing her to become king! Madeline was about to tell him off, when she thought of Conrad. She couldn't do that to Conrad. She knew how the publicity would get once they found out about him, they wouldn't leave him alone. Conrad had dreams, ambitions. Madeline didn't want one article to ruin his whole life, just because he kissed the princess of Osprey.

"You little son of bitch," Madeline muttered under her breath.

"Language, your majesty," smirked Quinten.

Madeline glared at him. "Fine," she groaned, throwing her hands up in the air. She stepped closer to Quinten, looking up at him (he was a good few inches taller than her) and glared. "Do what you want with me, but don't mess with Conrad or my family. You hear me?"

He smirked for yet another time and showed of his perfect white teeth. "Cristal clear, your highness." And with that, he turned around and walked out of sight.


The ballroom was packed full of women in beautiful ball gowns and men in tuxedos of all different hues. Lights were dimmed, so only the golden chandler in the middle of the room could be seen. Couples danced across the floor the elegant music played by the band. The room was full of chatter, people enjoying themselves all over the place. Madeline, however, was not enjoying herself.

She sat, at the front of the ballroom, where three thorns had been placed. Jeffrey's was in the middle, Lorelai's on the left and Madeline's on the right. Madeline was the only one sitting however. Her parents had gone off to mingle with their guests, leaving Madeline alone in her misery. She knew she should go out to the dance floor and talk to people, but all she wanted to do was sit. She also didn't want to worry about running into Quinten, until she absolutely had too.

Madeline scanned the crowd with her eyes, trying to see if there was anyone she could talk to out there. Her eyes grazed past Conrad, who looked incredibly handsome and put together in a simple black blazer and trousers. Part of Madeline wanted to go talk with him, but she thought better of it. She didn't want Quinten to show up and ruin it. The thing she hated the most was that Quinten was now controlling her life. She wasn't even married to the creep yet and he was already making her worried about what she had to do and when she had to do it. It was totally stupid.

Madeline had just decided to go and talk to Conrad, when she noticed her parents approaching her, followed closely behind by Lord and Lady Waterstone and Quinten. "Hello, darling, are you enjoying yourself?" asked Lorelai, taking a seat in her chair.

Madeline raised her eyebrows to her. "Does it look like it?"

Lorelai sighed. "Jeffrey, do we want to announce the marriage right now?"

Jeffrey glanced towards Lorelai, to Madeline, then looked behind him at Lord James. Lord James nodded his head.

"Actually dear," the king started, "I thought we'd go talk about the contract of this marriage with Madeline and Quinten. In private."

"Oh, right." Lorelai stood up and grabbed Madeline by the hand, leading her and the rest back behind the stage where the thorns were placed. Behind the stage was closed off by a curtain, which is where Lorelai led the group.

"Mom, what's this all about?" Madeline asked. "I already know everything."

All the adults shared a look.

"Don't I?" Madeline questioned, almost a hundred percent positive she didn't.

"Madeline, pumpkin," Jeffrey started.

"Just say it dad," Madeline snapped.

"Alright. We would like you and Quinten to have an heir. By next year." 

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