Chapter Two

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"Betrothed?!" Madeline exclaimed, jumping up from her chair. "What do you mean my  betrothed? Betrothed to be married?!" she shouted and started pacing frantically across the room, running her fingers through her hair.

"Oh dear," Lorelai sighed, picking at her fingernails nervously. "Your father was supposed to handle this."

Madeline whirled around to face her mother. "What did you say about dad?" she demanded.

Lorelai stared at her, hard. "Don't raise your voice at me, young lady. We need to go speak with your father." Lorelai rose from her chair and walked out the room. Madeline took that as a sign that she should follow.

They made their way across the palace, Lorelai walking gracefully and Madeline stomping in a way. She fumed. How could her parents have her betrothed? She was only sixteen! Her father had better have a good explanation.

Madeline's father's office was at the far end of the palace, almost the complete opposite side from Lorelai's. When Madeline and Lorelai arrived, two guards stood in front of the grand double doors, leading to the king's office. The guards took a few steps to the side to let the girls in.

Madeline's father, Jeffrey, sat at his desk which was placed in the back of the large room. The office was covered in large paintings of all the past monarchy of Ospery, with a portrait of Jeffrey himself directly behind his desk. The room looked out onto the grounds of the palace, with a balcony. Jeffrey's office had hues of dark red, brown and a forest green and it constantly smelled like pine. Madeline remember being a little girl and spending time playing with her dolls, while her father did paper work in this very office. Most of the time being in the office brought her a sense of calmness and reassurance. Not this time.

When Madeline and Lorelai enter, Jeffrey stood to greet his daughter and wife. "Ah, my beautiful girls. What can I do for you?" he had a kind smile on his tired face, his features worn after years of strain. However, his eyes still twinkled with the same spark of a young boy.

"You can tell me about my betrothed!" exclaimed Madeline.

Jeffrey's smile disappeared in a instant. "Oh dear," he mumbled under his breath, coming out from behind his desk.

"I tried to tell her dear," piped in Lorelai, "but I thought it be best if you did."

Jeffrey sighed. "Madeline, pumpkin, can you take a seat please?"

Madeline took one of the seats in front of her father's desk, while Lorelai went to stand by her husband.

"Madeline." Her father started, "As you know, Osprey has been in a lot of financial trouble, especially in the last few years. Not to mention, our military if falling apart at the seams. Our economy is being ripped apart and funding for things is down to the wire. Your mother and I have been working endlessly to come up with some sort of solution to our kingdom's problems. It seemed as if nothing would do any good. However, last week, I had a meeting with Lord James of Waterstone who is part of one of the wealthiest families in Osprey. He is willing to become a sort of donor of such to Osprey and can help fund any projects we might need. His offer was truly generous and the monarchy is beyond grateful to him. However, he had one condition. He wants to be connected to the monarchy in someway, meaning we'd be part of his family."

Madeline knew what was coming, but she didn't want to face the truth. Don't say it, don't say it, she pleaded.

"He suggested that you be married to his eldest son, Quinten. And I .... agreed." Jeffrey sighed, running his fingers through his gray hair in dismay.

Madeline sat there, as if she was a marble statue. She knew this was bound to happen sooner or later, she just hoped it would be later. It's not like she would ever have a say in who she married, but she had always liked the possibility without her parents forcing her too. But it was all for the safety and security of her people and she would do anything for them. She just hoped they would enjoy the royal wedding as much as she would hate it.

"I take it this ball we are planning is just a grand event to announce our engagement?" asked Madeline, knowing that was the likely answer.

Jeffrey nodded, sadness in his eyes. Madeline knew he didn't want to make her do it, he had no choice. She had no choice.

She stood up. "Madeline," her mother interjected, but Madeline just held up her hand.

"Please," she said. "Just give me some time." And with that she curtsied and exited the room.


Madeline spent the rest of the day locked away in her bedroom. Nancy was nice enough to cancel all her other duties for the day, which left Madeline to sit in her own self pity. How could her parents marry her off to some random guy she had never even heard of before? And she was only sixteen years old! She didn't want to get married. She knew she would have to eventually, due to her becoming queen and all, but she thought she had a little time. She wanted to go to college and experience a normal teenage life, without being tied down by a "husband." And what if she didn't even like the guy? What if he turned out to be a complete and utter jerk? To bad Madeline, you're stuck with him, she thought to herself.

She was feeling a bit curious as to who this Duke of Waterstone was, so she decided to google him. A bunch of results came up, including a picture of him. He was handsome, Madeline had to give him that. He had a rather nice, big smile showing off his pearly white teeth. His hair was a sandy blonde, shaved to have a bit of a crew cut. He had shining green eyes, almost blue in a way. However, Madeline wasn't one to judge based on appearance. She just hoped his personality was as flattering as his looks. 

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