Chapter Ten- Biren-Larath

Start from the beginning

Face down on the grey turf, Godric let the winds batter him while his legs determinately carried him closer to the supposed gate that waited for him and his companions.

Even the Moon's light had begun to dim, hiding itself behind a dense grove of trees that grew far away from the cliffs, when Sarah drew them to a stop. In the half-light it was difficult to distinguish where it was exactly they had come, but as near as Godric could tell, they had climbed a smaller ridge that led to a deep gouge in the otherwise flawlessly smooth cliff surface. Boulders and other tall rock formations peppered the miniature hill like stone spirals, reaching vainly for the sky high above.

Sarah led them to a deep divot that ran the length of  gouge in the cliff face. On either side, stone pillars were erected. Each was quite tall, about seven feet, and elaborately carved with all assortments of runes and symbols that seemed to Godric vaguely like the ones that adorned Erogrund. They were, however, worn and faded from the constant battering of the winds that felt to perpetually assault the cliff. Were it not for these monuments, Godric would never have noticed that the crack was anything more than what it appeared to be. This was supposedly Oiron.

Thain gently pushed his way past the slender elf and hammered savagely on the furrow.

To Godric's surprise, two hooded figures stepped out from behind the shadows of the boulders that were arranged haphazardly on the ridge. The first was tall and, by the look of his cloak wrapped around him in the harsh wind, spindly. His cloak was dark leather and worn with age that clung to his slender arms, which drew a small carved bow and arrow. His companion was dressed similarly, but stood a good six inches shorter, as near as Godric could tell in the weak light of the night, and bulkier in the chest and arms. An identical bow and arrow were in his hands. These two hostile weapons were aimed pointedly at the group.

The first of the two cloaked warriors barked harshly. "Who goes there? Answer!"

Sarah turned around to face them. "Thain, Sarah, and company."

The second figure lowered his bow and stepped forward, pulling off his hood. The figure was a surprisingly young man, nearly Godric's age. His face was handsome with smooth features covered in dark skin that well accented his intense black hair.

"M'lady, a thousand apologies." He nodded to her apologetically. Searching the group, his eyes alighted on Mira. Bowing, he took her hand and kissed it gently. "Aeis the Watchman, at your service, ma'am."

Mira blushed warmly. "Er, thank you."

The second figure also removed his hood. He was a middle-aged man with dark hair that had just begun to grey, matching the silver moonlight. His eyes were dark and stormy, filled with the sobriety of age. "It might do you good to watch yourself next time, Aeis." The young man's face flushed red and he stepped back beside the older warrior.

Thain shrugged Narn's still-unconscious body on his shoulders. "Drammur, do you think you could pay us the courtesy of opening the gate that we might get out of this wind?"

As he as talking, a deep seam appeared running lengthwise up the expanse of the crack in the cliff, eventually reaching a height of nearly eight feet from the ground. The line was clean and clear. The two slaps of rock that were formed by the division swung outward, forming grand doors that opened out of the gate.

Inside the suddenly visible gate stood two more warriors. Their garb was much like that worn by the two archers that had surprised the company but they wore no hoods. Instead simple iron helmets covered their heads and they held standard wooden spears with oak shafts and sharpened iron points.

Sarah led them through the archway, where a small passage went on for roughly ten or fifteen feet before widening into a sizable square chamber.

The chamber was nearly forty feet long and equally wide with a tall, domed ceiling that reached twenty-five feet at its heights point. Torches hung on the walls that burned with peculiar white flame, casting eerie shadows that reflected hollowly on the corners of the room. Another short passage led off to the left and another immense set of metal doors hung over a gateway at the back of the room. A final pair of guards manned this passage, both of which wore chain male vests and hoods, complete with iron helmets, grieves, and shields that were complemented with impressive-looking spears. Columns of carved white-grey stone formed a narrow passage for the length of the room to where the guards stood.

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