
"So what are you going to get? I think I might get the Americano but I'm feeling pretty adventurous today so I might get the S'mores Frappuccino. What do you think?" Ezra spews as we stand at the back of the line in our local coffee shop.

"Get the Americano. S'mores is too much for a morning drink." Plus it's cheaper, but I couldn't say that aloud. As we near the front of the line the bell on the door rings behind us. I pay no attention to it, that is until I hear a familiar voice echo against the brick walls.


I stand frozen in place, my back still facing him. As Ezra moves up to the counter as I stay planted in my spot. It's as if I was a deer in headlights. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, heck, I couldn't even breathe. The hairs on my neck stand up at a 180 degree angle and my back remains tense and straight.

He probably won't see me. I tell myself. I'm pretty average looking, I'm drawing no attention to myself. The odds of a guy like Steve recognizing a guy like me is fairly small.

"Adam? Is that you?" And he sees me. Great, I'm officially the most unluckiest person in the world.

I turn around, a fake smile protruding from my lips. I'm upset to see that he's not alone. As a matter of fact, a whole gang gathers at his side.

"It is you!" he laughs. His big build comes bustling toward me as a large hand slaps against my back. I try to laugh along with him but I mostly feel like crying because of his heavy hands. "We lost you last night. What happened?"

Oh, you know exactly what happened! But instead I say, "Oh, I just got tied up." A loud laugh tumbles past his mouth and out into the air, the voice of his friends laughing right along with him. My cheeks flame in embarrassment as their laughs hit me like a boulder. Instead, I try to shift gears on the subject. "So about those tickets. . ." I start once the chuckling dies down.

"Tickets?" His laughter completely stops as he looks down at me with mock sad eyes. "Oh no, you don't get any tickets. The goal was to unlock the door and let us in. You never did that. Therefore, you get no tickets. Wasn't that clear?"

My face drops. After all the hell he put me through was he really saying this? I didn't want to believe that he could be so cruel, but there he was standing right in front of me. Knocking every dream I've ever had right out of my reach.

My hopeful expression evaporates from my face as I fill it with fake understanding. "Yeah, that makes sense. I was going to say that I wouldn't be able to make it anyway and that they weren't necessary but it looks like we were thinking the same thing." I think lying made me look even more pathetic. He and his gang continue to laugh, and the only thing that I can do is sulk back to Ezra's side.

"I ordered you a regular black coffee. You seemed like a plain kind of guy. The total's $6.23 by the way so you should probably pay them."

Fascinating. A guy I've only known for 20 minutes has figured out what my favorite coffee drink is. I really was pathetic.

"I assume you didn't get the tickets to his party?" he questions, though it sounds more like a statement.

"How'd you know?"

"There's only one reason a guy like you will talk to a guy like him," he begins, " and that is to try and get something you will never receive. The small dogs don't mess with big dogs, not unless they're looking to get bitten. You have to remember, big dogs are only scary because you let them be scary. But small dogs can be feisty too. You've just gotta learn how to take that power from them. And because you're buying me coffee, I'll offer a little help. Cheryl owes me a favor. As a member of the Kappa House she can bring a plus one, I'll let you be that plus one. But you have to remember, don't let them take the power from you. You have it, now what will you do with it?"

I'm amazed. Not only was he pretty inspirational, but he just offered me a way in, and for a cup of coffee. I want to ask where he learned to talk like that but he's already answering me.

"Speech class 101. I know, like I said, I talk a lot. And I'm very good at it."

Looks like I'd be going to that party after all.


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And that is a wrap! I hope you enjoyed! I'm terribly sorry for the long wait but hopefully it was worth it. I will try to update more often but Marching Band Camp is really keeping me busy and, unfortunately, school starts in two weeks so I've got to finish my summer homework.

VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE, FOLLOW, and I'll see you all next time! Peace out! :D

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