Chapter 15 - Time to Tell

Start from the beginning

Dad finally stopped and froze in front of us, rubbing the back of his neck. "Okay, what the hell is going on? You think I can't see that the things happening in this town lately aren't normal? Eric, you've been spending quite a lot of time with an accused murderer, care to explain?"

I felt Eric glance at me, but all of the sudden my shoes were far more interesting. He sucked in a deep breath. I knew he too was fearful about telling Dad the truth. He had broken his promise to Mom, and that was going to break Dad's heart.

"We're friends," said Eric.

"Where the hell were you for the past two years?" said Dad without missing a beat. "You really think I didn't know that you weren't actually in college? Never once did you call and ask for money, or call for anything. Now, tell me the truth."

Eric filled his mouth with air, puffing out his cheeks, and let it out slowly. He twiddled his thumbs in his lap. He looked up at our father, trying to find the nerve to do the one thing he's been avoiding for the past two years.

"I was with Laura and Derek," he said. He ran his hands through his mop of light brown curls, staring into his lap. I thought about telling Dad for him, but I knew that Eric needed to be the one to do so. He met out father's gaze again. "I asked Laura for the bite after graduation. I was tired of feeling so sad and weak all the time. I wanted to be powerful, like the Hales."

Based on Dad's reaction, I think he somewhat knew, or was at least suspicious. Yet you could still see the disappointment on his face as his theory of his werewolf son was confirmed. He let out what almost sounded like a nervous laugh. He turned away and began pacing again.

His feet led him from one end of the couch to to other seven times before they stopped in the middle. He folded his arms, wiping one hand down his chin. "Your mother - " his voice cracked. "Your mother had one rule in this household, one simple code to follow. Do you - do you not realize what the bite does to you? What it does to those around you?"

"I'm sorry, Dad."

All we saw was our father's back for what felt like the longest time. I was sure he was fighting away the tears that had glossed his eyes. He most of all understands how important it was to Mom to stay human, to stay true to who we are and who we were born as. But I don't think she's mad at Eric, it would be unlike her to be. She's possibly slightly disappointed but, then again, we all are.

"You came back for Laura, didn't you?" Dad asked, turning to face us once again.

Eric, who had his elbows propped up on his knees and was resting his chin on his folded hands, perked up. "Yeah,"

"Who killed her?" He asked.

He made his question without looking either of us in the eyes. Laura had been like another daughter to him. He had made a point to look after her and Derek after the fire, but the two left town right after Derek's graduation. I still have no idea how Eric managed to track them down.

"We - we don't know," answered Eric. He paused before continuing. "But he's the alpha now, and he's the one killing all those people. He's the one who trapped Emma and her friends in the school tonight."

"And where were you and Derek?"

Eric looked over to me, expecting me to answer, but my throat was too dry to speak. "The Alpha nearly killed Derek, luckily I heard Scott's howl and it lead me to the school where I found his body. I had to get him out of there. I had no idea Emma was inside."

"Scott? Scott McCall?" questioned Dad, furrowing a brow.

A let out a shaky breath. Still staring at nothing, I answered Dad's question. "The Alpha bit him in the forest about a month ago."

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