Chapter 15 - Time to Tell

Start from the beginning

Scott could no longer bear to look us in the eyes. I could see Stiles' lip trembling, and had his arms not been folded across his chest I would have reached for his hand. Maybe this had not been the first time Scott had physically threatened to kill Stiles, but this was by far the closest he's ever come to killing him. It's terrifying to know that your best friend could possibly rip your throat out at any given moment.


I turned at the sound of my name to see Eric jogging towards me. I met him halfway, letting him wrap me up in a long overdue hug. As glad as I was to see him, I couldn't help but notice that something about his scent wasn't right.

"Emma! Oh thank god,"

This time it was Dad who was coming my way. I left Eric's arms and let my father embrace me like fathers are supposed to with their daughters. His hug was tight, nearly to the point of suffocation. I didn't care though, I was just relieved to be able to see my father and brother again.

Over Dad's shoulder I could see Scott and Stiles walking towards an ambulance that held Dr. Deaton in the back. My eyes widened, knowing that they would be pressing him with questions that he cannot answer quite yet. 

Dad pulled away and held onto my shoulders at arms length. His face fell serious. "Derek Hale is the one committing these murders? Why is it that I don't quite believe he would try to kill his own sister?"

I glanced to Eric for help. I knew we were in trouble. Dad is not blind when it comes to the supernatural. He may not know quite as much as Mom had, but he knows enough to not be surprised when things like this start happening in Beacon Hills.

"I don't think my son would associate himself with a mass murderer, at least I would hope not," said Dad, his statement directed at a guilty-looking Eric. He let go of my shoulders so that he could face my brother and me. Pointing a stern finger he said, "You two have some explaining to do."

That's the moment I knew that there would be no more secrets within this family. It was time for everyone to come clean. There can be nothing left to hide.


I had never been more thankful for a car ride to be over. Those were the most awkward and stale five minutes of my life. No one knew what to say, understanding that all of the confessing would happen in the comfort of our own home. The car was no place to reveal my little secret, Dad would probably have an accident of his own.

When we got inside the house, Eric tried to sneak upstairs, but Dad caught him and ordered the two of us into the living room. Eric and I plopped down on the couch, exchanging fearful glances. My forehead was sweating and my entire body just felt heavy. 

I didn't want Dad to know, he's not supposed to know. It's going to tear him apart to find out that it wasn't a deer that caused the accident that night, but instead a werewolf, the very creature we befriended and trusted. Although, the thing did save my life.

Then there's Eric's story, the realization that he went against Mom's biggest rule when it came to the supernatural. My mother always said we have two things left in this world: faith and our humanity. By taking the bite, Eric lost both. He should've just come home.

I shook my leg against the floor anxiously as I watched Dad pace back and forth in front of us. It felt as though Eric and I were kids again, in trouble for breaking the neighbors window during a game of baseball or disobeying our chore assignments. If only it were something as simple as that. I would give anything to have my biggest issue be nothing more than a little broken window.

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