Excerpt #1 : janmwhite

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He wanted – no, he needed – power. More power than he could ever imagine. He needed it, needed to feed on it, to thrive off the rush it gave him. What he had wasn't power. It was nothing.

It was the Goddess' way of making humans feel as if they were worth something. All those elements ... they were worthless! Nothing worth his time. He didn't want the power to fight, the power to heal, the power to grow, nor the power to collect whispers in the wind.

He wanted the power to destroy.

To lay waste to the land that foolishly believed in the strength of the Goddess. She was nothing but a figment of overactive imagination, to soothe troubled minds into thinking there was a deity who loved them.

There was no love in this world. The word shouldn't even exist. All that existed in Kra – this planet – was human's ability to hate and destroy.

But, soon they will know. Soon, they will see how stupid they have been. Soon, they will understand that there was no light and so they should make peace with the darkness.

With this Interi essence, this beautifully evil power, he will able to let the world see the error of their ways.

Soon, he will rule them all.

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