v || sibuna kidnapped // s2 sibuna

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Wow, Izzy you're updating loads of stories recently (3). Yeah I know, I think it's because I'm on holiday (Kinda, I'm on my way home), which makes no sense what so ever, but anyways. So next time I say I'm going on holiday, I'd prepare yourself for a shitload of updates... Most probably. Why do I have these conversations with myself...?]

"We need to get the Rufus' house," Fabian spoke, as him and the rest of Sibuna rushed out of school.

"Well, I'd hardly call it a house," Amber stated.

"Who cares what you call it, Amber, we need to go," Nina spoke in a rushed voice, as they sprinted to Rufus'.


"Where is he?" Nina spoke, as she frantically spun her body round in search of Rufus.

"I don't know," Fabian looked round too.

"I do," A mysterious voice came from behind them. They all turned to the direction from which the voice came, they then saw a black figure emerge from the haystacks.

"Rufus!" Patricia identified.

"Correct," Rufus spoke in the same mysterious voice.

"You need to give us back what's ours!" Fabian demanded.

"Oh, you won't being seeing that for a while," Rufus told them, "Now, have a safe trip."

"Safe trip?" Alfie questioned, whispering to the others.

They all looked to Rufus for answers, he didn't speak, just pulled a lever that was by him, sending Nina, Fabian, Amber, Patricia and Alfie all down a chute, that was covered by a trap door.

Their screams slowly faded as they got lower and lower down the hole.


"Where are we?" Patricia grunted, slowly climbing to her feet.

"My guess is underground," Alfie spoke.

"The question is; how far underground?" Fabian questioned, helping Nina to her feet.

"Miles!" Amber exaggerated.

"Not miles, Amber," Nina laughed a little.

"Why is it so dark, we could do with some light," Patricia looked around, seeing nothing but the dimly lit figures of her friends.

Suddenly, as if someone had heard Patricia's complaining, the lights turned on.

"Who did that?" Nina asked in a scared voice, looking to everyone in turn, they all gave the same response; a small head shake.

"Right," Fabian perked up, "We all need to look around, see if there is anyway of escaping this place."

They all split up, searching the room, it wasn't very big, but there was a lot of junk in there for them to search.

"Um..." Alfie mumbled in a nervous voice, "I think I know who turned the lights on."

"Who?" Fabian questioned, as they all turned their heads to face Alfie.

Alfie, then slowly rose his shaking arm and pointed to a pair of bright red eyes, that were in the top corner of the room.

"I don't like this," Amber mumbled, "Were going to die aren't we. I'm too young and beautiful to die."

"We won't die Amber," Nina reassured comfortingly, as her and the others walked over to Alfie and the eyes.

"I can't promise no death," A loud voice sounded, it wasn't Rufus' but they couldn't identify it .

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