iii || canoeing // peddie, jeroy and amfie

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Picture of canoeing sea above (With a bit more sun though)


"Ooh, we should all hire out a canoe!" Alfie squealed.

"2 people per boat, 1 hour, £12.00," Eddie read from the price list, "Let's do it!"

"Sorry but I can't, I don't want to get wet," Amber stated.

"Come on, Amber," Patricia encouraged.

"Yeah, water does dry," Eddie added.

"But it's salt water," Amber defended.

"But it's salt water," Jerome mocked, "Who cares, Amber."

"Fine, but I'm not sharing a canoe with Alfie," Amber stated.

"Hey! Why?" Alfie argued.

"Because you will do something stupid," Amber mumbled.

"Right, I'll go with Jerome," Joy spoke.

"I'll take Patricia," Eddie stated, "Leaving... Amber with..."

"Hey! I said I didn't want to share with Alfie," Amber argued.

"Sorry, Amber," Joy chuckled, "Looks like you have no choice."

"Fine," Amber huffed.

"Can I help you?" The woman behind the counter asked.

"Um... Yeah... Can we please have 3 canoes," Eddie spoke.

"Of course, that will be £36," She spoke.

Everyone then payed their shared amount, got their ore and went to their designated canoe.



"Why haven't you got an ore?" Alfie asked, looking over to Amber.

"I don't want to touch one of those," Amber said in disgust, "You're going to do all the rowing Alfie."

"Fine by me," Alfie chirped, before climbing into the back of the canoe, letting Amber sit in the front.

"Eww, there water on this seat?" Amber squealed.

"Sit down, Ambs, just ignore the water."

Reluctantly, Amber sat down with a lot of screaming and squealing because of the water. Alfie then pushed then off the beach and on to the water.



"You okay, Yacker?" Eddie asked, they were both sat in the canoe, Eddie at the front and Patricia behind.

"Just hurry up and go," Patricia whined.

"Okay," Eddie chuckled, before they both used their ores to push off into the water.

"Hey!" Patricia snapped, after Eddie splashed her with the water coming off of his ore when he flung it out from the water.

"What?" Eddie chuckled, knowing exactly what he had done.

Patricia didn't reply, she just stuck her hand into the water, before cupping water in her hands and throwing it at Eddie.

"Patricia!" He shouted, Patricia just laughing, "Thats how you want to play it is it?" Eddie chuckled, before delving his ore into the water, then splashing her with even more water that last time.




Joy and Jerome's canoe spun round in a circle, Jerome kept on pushing the water round with his ore.

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