2 years later

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*Robin POV*

its been 2 years since i seen her beautiful face. we couldn't find her anywhere. we didn't know where she was. We couldn't track her. We searched everywhere. Nothing. Couldn't find her. Cyborg keep telling me to forget that she probably doesn't want to found. We should stop looking for her. I'm not giving up that fast. i'll search until i find her even if its for the rest of my life.

"Robin. you really need to get some sleep. You need to stop looking. she doesn't want to found." Cyborg said walking over to the door to lock down the tower. "Everything is on locked down. you should go to sleep" Cyborg walked out of the room. i looked at the computer that i had been staring at all day. i couldn't find her communicator. Every time i call it. There was static and no answer.

It wasn't something star would do. She would of told us if she was leaving. I sighed and got up from the chair. I walked out of the room and to my bed room to get some sleep.

*Star POV^*

I been his apprentice for 2 years. I haven't seen anyone in 2 years. i been locked up in this cage. It was dark and wet. He never let me out only to do small missions. They never found me. i hope that one day they do. He destroyed my communicator. I had no way of getting out. i was stuck until he had me do a mission. i tried to find my way to the tower but i always got caught.

I sat up from laying down on the hard cold floor as slade walked in. "Morning. i have a big mission for you. i want you to go to the titans tower and bring them to me." Slade said letting me out of the cage. i nodded and went on my way.

I keep thinking maybe they could help me get away from slade but i knew it wouldn't work. They would just treat me like just another criminal. They probably wouldn't help me anyways. i was flying through the fly when i could see the Titans tower. i landed on the ground and walked to the door.

i kicked the door down walking inside up to the living room. They had to be there. i opened the door and lucky me they were all sitting on the couch. "Miss me" i said as they turned around looking me up and down.

i smirked and walked over to them. I had my star bolts ready. i walked closer to them. They didn't even jump up and attack me. They just looked at me with their mouths wide open. "Well?" i said.

Robin stood up and walked close to me. i raised my hand and shot a star bolt at him. "Don't touch me!" i yelled. The others got up and started to come towards me. i shot star bolts at them missing.

Beast boy turned into a  dinosaur knocking me out the window. lucky i could fly or i be dead. i started to fly away from the tower then slade's voice came into my ear. "What are you doing?! go back there and fight! "

"I cant! i'll get my ass kicked" I said looking back at the tower. "Go back now!" Slade yelled in my ear. i toke a deep breath and went  back to the tower throwing star bolts everywhere. I hated doing this but if i didn't he would kill them right in front of me. i didn't want that to happen. They meant so much to me now i'm just a criminal to them.  They would never want to be my friend ever again.

"Star! Stop! " Robin yelled. i looked at him and said 'I cant. he'll kill you if i don't." I cried and keep throwing star bolts until everything was destroyed. "You have to come with me. " I cried even more. i grabbed Robin and Raven by the arm as Cinder block grabbed Cyborg and Beastboy.

Once we got back to Slade's cave. He made us put them in a dark cold room. i hated that he was making me do this. i had to find a way to get out of this mess. i wanted to be with my friends fighting crime. i missed them so much. I looked over at Slade and raised my hand and shot a star bolt at him couple of times.

"That is the biggest mistake you ever made" Slade said coming straight at me. i threw another star bolt missing him. he grabbed me by the throat pinning me to the wall and looked me in the eyes. "If you EVER do that again i'll make sure that your friends will die! " Slade said as i gasped for air. He finally let go of my neck and i slide down the wall holding my throat.

I looked over at the door that lead to the room that my friends were in.i wanted to get them out but i didn't want them to get killed. I looked over at slade. he had his back facing me. i got up quickly and walked over to the door quietly. i was about to open the door when slade said "I wouldn't do that if i was you" I turned around to find slade watching me.

i stepped away from the door. i could hear my name being screamed. it broke my heart that i couldn't help my friends but this was the only way to keep them safe. i closed my eyes taking a deep breath. i wasn't my self. i was a darker side of me. The only way for me to stop caring was to turn that part of me on so i did.

I felt like i didn't give a shit. i didn't care about anyone. i kinda liked this side of me.




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