"Sound like a good Hyung "

"I am not just get used to his sudden manner change .. He is not interested in nana... Moreover ...u and his relationship has been broken so... Those things change him.. I Guess "

"Is that so? .... Hmm.. I feel like I am not getting enough drink today? I don't feel dizzy until now"

"Haha.. May be u become master in drinks "


"So u.... U don't like him anymore? "

"Me? I don't know... Do I? Don't I ?  I don't of course "

"U also changed too.. U are totally different from the first time met u"

"Haha.. Time goes by and people changed ... Look.. I see him now..." I point at the direction that Chanyeol and another boy are talking

"What? I thought he would go a blind date with girl ... What the.. He is so much into boy?" Kris say and his expression is priceless.. He looks so surprise

He really is moving on ... He really is ...

Chanyeol is talking with a boy beside him and his eyes slowly meet mines

Our gazes meet... He now see me..

What can I do?

All I can do is give him a smile ...


Why am I not getting drunk today?

I then get up ... "I will go now kris Shi.."

"Now? Not early? "

"Not in very mood to drink"

"Should I take u home? Can u drive?"

"It's ok.. I can drive "

"Are u sure?"


I wish I am drunk .... Drunk enough to forget everything ...


"Hey"  someone Grab my arm

"Aww... Chanyeol ya....."

He is not alone ... That boy is beside him ...  

"Are u going back now?"

"Aww...imm.... "

"This is Kim Jong in..." "

"Annyeong haseyo.. I am Kim Jong in ...u can also call me Kai " that tanned boy introduce himself

"Nae.. Annyeong haseyo " I also greet "I will go now" I say to Chanyeol

"Can u drive? I will drive u"

"No no no....its ok.. Just enjoy yourself "  I say and run out of there .. And quickly get into car

Then .. I receive a message as soon as I get into car

"Is That really ok? I can drive u home . I don't meet to feel sorry.. Are u drunk? If u are drunk then don't drive kid... Where are u? At parking? I will come so just don't move and stay at your place "

I must drive quickly .... And leave this place as soon as possible

But ..  I don't Want to ... I Want to wait Him...

Byun baekhyun u can't be acting like this...

My hands must move now.. Start the engine Byun baekhyun ...

Then someone come and knock on my car window

Chanyeol ...?


At last... He is driving for me

Byun baekhyun .. U must be crazy .. For his sake  .. His sake ... He is meeting a new boy right?

"Why are u going back early tonight ?" He ask me

"What? Can't I go back early? Why do everyone ask me that same question?"

"Ok.. Ok.. I won't ask "

"So how was your sweet blind date go? "

"Fine though .."

"Oh really? He looks good and nice . Is that okay for u to leave him on the first day u meet Him?"

"We are not that close yet..."

"Aww.. So.. Do u plan to ... Date him?"

"I think so.."

"Aww.. Good"

            The awkward silence

"Ha.... I want to see u drunk... " I say


"Because u have seen me drunk and talk nonsense for many times right? That's why... I want to see u what will u do if u are drunk "

"Haha..that's the reason? Ok.. Let's drink together if u are free "

"I am free every night though "

"Ok.. Deal... I will show how i get drunk "

We already reach my home and he park the car ...

"Hahahah ... Sure u... But u don't Need to if u are busy.. I know that u will be busy with your new lover in the future .. Don't mind me " I say and about to get out of the car but....

"No one is more important than u ... For me "

(Chanbaek) This is Love? जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें