After they had all eaten breakfast, including Sayloire and Neal, they all moved to the living room to talk about the game plan concerning Rumplestilskin. "I vote that the search party consist of David, Mary Margaret, and me," Regina suggested. "What about me?" Henry asked. "Someone has to watch the babies," Emma told him, "Especially since I'm going with them."

The whole group protested at once, but then everyone silently decided to let Hook handle it. "Love, we will be fine without you just this once," he told her, wrapping his left arm around her and resting his right hand on hers, holding Sayloire. "I don't know who you think 'we' are, but I believe I left your name out of the search party," Regina told him.

"You can't possibly think I wouldn't want to come end the Crocodile after all he's done to me," Hook growled. Regina put her hands out in a calming gesture. "I know you want to come, but we need people who can look at this through a reasonable perspective, and with your complicated history, I doubt that's you," Regina said. "Emma, you and Hook both need to stay here," David said. "Then I can come?" Henry asked. "No!" Yelled everyone in unison.

Regina stood up. "Alright, here's how this is going to work. Me and the Charmings are going to go look for Gold, and we can pick Robin up on the way if it would make you all feel better, but that would mean leaving three babies here. And just to be clear, there will be three people here not counting the babies: Henry, Emma, and Hook. Everyone got it?" She asked, daring everyone to disagree with a glare. A smile that made her look very Evil Queen spread across her face as she said, "Good. Let's move out."

"We'll stop by with Ralley later," David called over his shoulder as the three of them walked out the door. "I don't like that I have to sit here and babysit," Henry complained. "It's not my favorite job either kid," Emma sympathized. "One of them is your baby, you have to take care of her," Henry said. "I love taking care of her, just not instead of helping out. I understand how you feel, but they're just trying to protect us. And Killian's not complaining, so be a man like him and shut up." Emma joked, ruffling Henry's hair.

"I'm complaining, just inside my head so I don't say things the boy doesn't need to hear," Hook said. Emma leaned her head on his shoulder, trying to distract him from the thoughts of revenge she knew would be racing around in his head. "You know, we haven't had much time with our daughter yet. You've only held her once, wanna try again?" Emma asked, gently holding Sayloire towards him. That snapped him out of his thoughts, and he smiled as he reached for her. He had to hold her with only his right arm until Emma removed his hook, but then he cradled her in both arms.

Emma smiled at the sight of them and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek. "You two are gonna be such great parents," Henry said encouragingly, reminding the two that they weren't alone. "Let's hope so," Emma said, "You know better than anyone that I've never been very nurturing and maternal." "Well, that's because I think sometimes you still see me as a really good friend, because you didn't raise me. I'm not bitter about that or anything, just letting you know I think you'll be more nurturing with Sayloire because you get to watch her grow up. And 'cause she's a girl," he teased.

"Henry, I have watched you grow up," Emma said, pulling him in for a hug. "Sure, I didn't get to see you when you were as little as Sayloire, but I met you when you were still a kid, and even though I still say 'kid' when I'm talking to you, you are definitely closer to an adult now. I watched you go through so much with Regina, your dad, me, even Hook's death matured you. I didn't want to hurt you like I did when I was the Dark One, or when I told you your dad was dead and he wasn't, but in retrospect they made you into a wonderful, intelligent, mature, and strong young man," she paused, "And Sayloire will not get any special treatment because she's a girl." They laughed and then Emma got up.

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