Chapter 6

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            Killian rolled over and kissed his still-sleeping wife on the forehead, then tried to get out of bed without waking her. She woke up, despite his efforts, and grabbed his hand, trying to pull him back towards her. He looked back at her with a smile, and turned to face her. "Good morning Emma Jones," he said smiling at her. She sat up so she could kiss him, and then they heard a noise coming from in the kitchen. "Henry," Emma mumbled, pulling away, "we should get him breakfast before he burns the house down." He laughed, but then agreed.

When Emma walked into the kitchen she saw Henry looking through all the cabinets, clearly looking for something in particular. "Can I help you?" she asked. He looked up, startled by her quiet entrance. "Do you keep any cereal in this house?" he asked. "Of course I do, just not where everyone can find it," she said, walking into the laundry room. There was a cabinet above the dryer containing towels and sheets, but stuffed in the corner was a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, which Emma knew was Henry's favorite as well as hers.

After breakfast, Emma started getting ready for her doctor's appointment. She was extremely excited, because today they would find out the gender of the baby. They were going to drop Henry off at Regina's on the way; he didn't have school this week because of "Winter break", or whatever they called it. Emma saw no reason for him not to be in school, but there was no school board in Storybrooke, so whenever Regina wanted them to have time off, they did.

Emma, Henry, and Killian all loaded into the little yellow bug and drove away. Henry hopped out at Regina's house, and she was visible in the doorway, waving and holding Robin's little girl, Ralley, in her arms. Zelena was no longer an issue in their little family. When travelling to the Underworld, you must leave with the same number of people you entered with. Therefore, on the rescue mission for Hook, they took Zelena with them and left her there so they could bring Hook back. After she was gone, Regina and Robin had no reason to prolong naming their daughter.

Emma and Killian continued to the hospital, where Dr. Whale was waiting for them in the waiting room. Nothing was going on in the small town right now, so his job was really slow other than routine check-ups and ultrasounds, and Emma was the only one pregnant right now. Dr. Whale took them back to the room with the ultrasound equipment and put the gel on Emma's stomach.

The ultrasound started out normally, except Emma and Killian were both waiting excitedly to find out if they were having a boy or a girl. Dr. Whale informed them that the baby's heartbeat was strong, which was always good, and then started cleaning up. "Wait. Aren't you going to tell us the sex of the baby?" Emma asked. Dr. Whale opened his mouth, probably to say that this was taking up too much of his down time, but one glare from Emma and he shut it again. "Of course I am," he said, examining the image on the screen once more.

A/N: Muahaha cliff hanger! I probably don't have enough readers for that to really be exciting, but I've never wrote one before so it's cool. Comment what you want the baby to be! (And name suggestions. I've already decided on one, but I want to hear what some other ideas are, just in case one of you readers has a better idea than me ;) )

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