Chapter 2

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**continuation!!** %Unedited!%

"Ok jokes over where are we going?" I say as a attempt to stay calm.

"Honey, Did you not hear me? I said Were Going To ALASKA!" my mom replies confused by me repeating the question.

"Alaska but why mom?" I said getting a cloth out of the sink to clean up the juice I split.

" you tell her Haireld." My mother
says looking nervously towards my dad.

"Hmmm oh well sweet heart me and your mother got an amazing promotion
And it just so happens to be in Alaska and we that it would be a great way for you to get some out of state or country experience!" he says enthusiastically, then went back to finishing up his breakfast.

"No no NO! You guys have got to be kidding me!" I say looking desperately in-between the two.

"Now young lady you will not sit here and disrespect us like this. We are going to Alaska and that's final. Now be a darling and go up to your room and pack up your things, there's some boxes in the garage, make them useful." My mother says sternly before turning back to the toast she was making for her self.

Mumbling a few curse words under my breath i stalk up the stairs until I got to my bedroom door and slam it angrily. I took quick strides to my bed before jumping on it and pulling the closet pillow to me screaming into it bloody.

Why? Its a simple question. Why? Why does everything bad have to happen to me. There are over a million other living being in this world, so why I ask why do I have to take in every thing. Why do I have to be the school punching bag? Why am I always centered around every thing that wants to slowly but surely destroy me, kill me even. Instead of it destroying all at once its like its just slowly making me go through as much pain as possible. I know im pretty much screwed up in the brain but why do I a mere human that likes to enjoy life have to be put through this agony called life.

I let out a depressing sigh before getting off of the bed and heading down to the garage to get the boxes.


~~2Hours Later~~

I lay on my bed with an 'Hmmhp' and look around at my finished work. I managed to get all my clothes, bathroom stuff, lamps, bed sheets and etc. packed up and ready to go. With them stacked up nice and neatly by the door, well more like a tunnel with a bunch of boxes surrounding it. The only thing left is my bed and two big dresser that the moving company are coming by to pick. I asked my mom, after she cooled down, when were we going to leave. And her answer was bright and early Tuesday mourning which is tomorrow and just so you know its Monday. So you guys wouldn't get confused.

After a few minutes of mopping around I hear my mom call me down for dinner, and since I'm in a not-so-good mood I decide to take extra time to get down stairs.

"What took you so long?" My mother asked as soon as I came into view in the kitchen.

"I was spending my last few minute's taking in my room before we go so that we can leave faster in the mourning.' I say emotionless as I help her cook the noodles for the spaghetti we were going to eat.

"Oh........ well if you want you can invite any friends you want to spend the night since its our last before we head up." She asked suggestively.

I just stare angrily in the now boiling pot of water wishing that I even had friends that would care that I was leaving. Don't get me wrong I had friends like that back at my old town but now....... that's history. I let out a sad sigh before turning to my mom and saying......."I don't have any mom. I really don't need any." and with that I left out of the kitchen.


%Author's Note%

Hey guys so I was feeling up to writing a chapter today and said to myself why not so I wrote this hope you enjoy it. Oh and I will be updating this story more because I feel like im neglecting it. Either today or tomorrow ill have a updating marathon of just constant updates for this story but im still debating if I should update 3 or 4 chapters what do you guys think?

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The Alpha And I  {Under Construction til Friday Mar.6th unexpected change}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ