New Alpha. Go to the ball?

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Okay I've been bugged to put up Kai's point of view so I will!!!! ♥♥

Love my readers!! ♥♥






I woke up feeling all of the muscles in my body blissed but very very stiff. I smiled feeling glowy but got suspicious as to why.

I put my hands under my body and I noticed I was naked?

I pressed to get up and I was stopped by a strong tingling arm.

Realization hit me and I gasped very shocked.

Just to make sure I haven't gone insane I turned my head seeing a sleeping Demi. I shook my head and got up. He stirred in his sleep and I grinned thinking how cute he was but then shook my head.

I had to

I have to protect Demi...forever.

I got my clothes and I felt my wolf cry to go back to him but I shook her off. Shifting I took off towards home and saw a flier on my window.



We've come to realize there are certain families significent in this acheivment

Your family is part.

Please accept this invitation to the ball.

Apparell: Dressy. Ball gowns, and tux's

Date: Friday, December 16

Significent Families: Please attend the after dinner

Elections and voting for queen and King are also held through-out this week.

I hope you attend

All Sincetrity from,

Swords and Cross HS

 I smirked and thought about it, this could be fun considering the king and queen idea.

I walked in the house.

"Kaaaaiiiillleeennn Knigghhtt!!!" My father's enraged voice irrupted from upstairs and booming foot steps thrashed on the wooden stairs.

I shivered knowing the ass whoopin coming. I went emotionless and shut down my pain.

"Why were you late?" He sniffed

"There's a scent on you, not mated hmm? So you just had sex but he didn't mark you? Who was it? Damn it you whore." He berated me and I just stood still

"Say something for yourself" He said slapping me across the face.

My wolf faught, she always has. She's always wanted to take alpha from him so bad. She always wanted to no longer feel the pain I bottled in. Thinking if my father loved me he wouldn't ever hurt me. I always fought her, always. But not today.

I snarled "You want me to say something father? What do you wish for me to say? Oh I'm sooo sorry? No hell to that! I do not fear you any longer! Never ever will I fear you again. I, Kailen Lea Knight, request for position as alpha. If you do not grant this request I will gladly take it from you." I said knowing I was throwing a threat in there. Using my developing alpha tone.

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