Out of the woods

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I run as fast as I can to Lilly. And I see a man. He's tall and is covering his face with his hood from his hoodie. I know it would be strange to think but he was the same height as my dad."we have no time to wast.we have to go!" He told us with a deep voice again much like my dads."but"-"it's ok faith will meet us there with Kate." So we walked out which was strange because I was scared out of my mind. There was just something about him that was calming. I looked around about a hour later by then we where by the creak in the woods. I saw Kate and faith. Lilly was holding the mans hand. Faith didn't like that normally but she seemed fine with it. Faith walked up to me and said "YOU WOKE HER UP ARE YOU CRAZY YOU COULD HAVE-". I don't remember the rest it just is all black and then I was light again but not yelling it was me waking up but i didn't remember sleeping.but I felt this Clarity. I guess now some could have said we where out of the woods. Or where we?

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