Chapter 5: Rockin' Eve and the New Year

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Jackie and Hannah went down first. Then Ariana and me together going down.

"You guys are doing great"

"What?" We yelled.

I saw her make up and nail polish come off. Which Ari noticed.

"Don't worry, we'll fix you before the performance"

"Ok. Thanks so much Brenda, even though this day has been crazy and bizarre, I still loved it knowing that I got to meet you and your amazing friends that are loyal to you"

"Yeah. But we should probably cut the chitchat in order for us to get down and make your performances"


It only took us another five minutes actually. Since we were going down kinda fast. I mean like, we were going quickly. But not as like If I'd jump out of a plane with a parachute on.

Finally down.

"We should probably run, for just in case"


My phone went off.

"Who's" Jackie was asking as I answered it.


It was mom and dad. They were asking why are we not there. I told mom about everything and just bring the passes and tickets to get me and the girls through (excluding Ari, cause obviously she doesn't need one).

I did tell Jackie, Hannah and Ari about it. We then decided we should run. Me and the girls can help Ariana get her stuff ready.

"Hey Fall Out Boy is performing"


"Ari at your at number 15 to perform, Fall Out Boy is at 6 we have plenty of time to get you ready"

"Okay, we should get running If we don't want to miss anything else"


We all ran to the backstage. In Ariana's dressing room. I helped her to fix her hair. Hannah got her outfit. Ari changed. Jackie did Ariana's nails.

"Your nails will dry. Fall Out Boys are still performing so you're good"

"Okay. Thank you. Especially to all of you for today and the help"

"Your welcome"

"Hey would you guys like to come on stage with me when I perform"

"We would love that"

"Okay, now you guys enjoy the show"

We all gave her a hug and told her, "Have fun. See you when you perform"

"Okay thanks"

Then all of us met up with mom and dad and got through security.

Now we're basically enjoying the show. Singing and cheering to and along with the acts. It's amazing to be here, especially because I get to be here with my best friends. Even though it was kind've a scheme to get them here, it was worth it. And so, even if I do get grounded if they find out, I don't care. It took awhile for Ariana to come out. She still looks amazing! After we helped her out to make sure she looks amazing. About at the end her performance.

"I want to thank a couple of girls for a crazy day and help to get Rockin Eve prepared, Brenda, Jackie and Hannah! Come on girls, come on up"

We then got through and went on stage with her. I loved the fact that her last song was 'Into you'. I love that song, I'm good at singing it and performing it like Ari. All of us, we're doing the same thing, Me, Jackie and Hannah were like back up dancers. Ariana let us sing with her in the mic. It was amazing and crazy. I thought it was dream for a moment, but I realized I'm not.

Jackie, Hannah and I left the stage with Ari.

"That was amazing" We all said hugging each other.

"Thanks again guys, even though I keep saying that"

"It's fine, and thanks for the day too. We're really grateful we get to be here with you and for that we got to hangout today, it was amazing!"

"Your welcome! Now enjoy the rest of the show"

Before we left her, we took another picture and posted it on Instagram.

Then we got to enjoy the performances.

At the end of the performances is the countdown. It's 20 minutes to midnight. The 20 went down to 10. When it was five minutes, Ariana came down by us. In the last minute between now and 2016




"Happy New Years" All of us said to each other.

Just a few minutes after, we were all really tired, so now we're gonna go back to the hotel. Before so though, we said goodbye to Ariana and got a last photo with her.

In the hotel room. Me, Jackie and Hannah passed out on our bed. Bleh! 

What Happens On New Year's Eve in New York #Wattys2016 Where stories live. Discover now