Chapter 2: plane ride

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When we were going to the airport.

"You have everything right"

"Yes, I checked four times. Because you told me to (whispered the last part)"

"And please Brenda, no snarky attitude or pranks or anything"

"Okay fine"

At the airport.

We had to do the whole montage for getting stuff on the plane. Then going into security to the plane.

The plane ride wasn't as bad. It was only an hour and 17 minutes. After the flight, it was basically the same thing getting here to get off.

Dad got a cab for us. We went to Aunt Betty's apartment.

"What does Aunt Betty do again?"

"She's a beautician. She normally used to always do your hair and makeup for Halloween and such other"

"Oh yeah now I remember"

As we were there, Aunt Betty was outside of the building waiting for us.

"Aunt Betty what are you doing? It's freezing out" As I hugged her.

"I wanted to see you guys. I love your sweater"


"Anything- Aunt Betty was saying until she saw my forhead, "What happened sweetie".

"Um we'll tell you about that later" Dad said.


"Why don't we go in the apartment so we don't freeze to death"

"Okay, yeah come on. Now that you're here Brenda we can catch up a few years not seeing each other"

Maybe now I can kinda see why my parents didn't want me to bring Jackie and Hannah. But at the same time I can't bear to be without them for anything.

Mom and dad had to check in. I got to talk to Aunt Betty for awhile.

"Here you go" Aunt Betty was saying as she was helping me to get the layers off.


"So are you sure you don't want to go up to my apartment for awhile"

"Yeah, I just feel like waiting for my parents and like either sitting here talking to you or even walking around and talking to you"

"How about you can give your luggage and coats to your mom so we can walk around"

"Okay" I said a bit nervous.

I told mom and dad that me and Aunt Betty are gonna walk around and talk. I gave mom my luggage and coats, except my backpack.

"Why do you have your backpack?"

"'Cause I want it with me. Is that a problem or something?"

"No, not at all"

As we were walking:

"So anything new"

"Well on Christmas, I got this big scratch on my forehead that you noticed"

"Oh what happened"

What Happens On New Year's Eve in New York #Wattys2016 Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu