Orochimaru's Truth

Start from the beginning

Deidara: Next!

Sasori: Are you gay for Itachi?

Orochimaru: Hell no!

Aoi: It better be no! Because if it was a yes, I will haunt you and kill you in your sleep bastard! For touching things that aren't yours!

Itachi: I'm being talked like I'm nothing but a piece of furniture.....-/_\-

Aoi: But your MY furniture! :3

Deidara: I have a question. Are you and Kabuto dating in secret?

Kabuto: O////////////O

Orochimaru: NO! Kabuto is my assistance, he does my biddings!

Aoi: Don't you mean beddings?

Orochimaru: I'm going to strangle you one day Aoi if you don't keep your perverted mouth shut!

Deidara: Next!

Hidan: Alright! I don't know if this is a question or not but....why is your skin so pale? Is it natural? Or were you just fucked up during birth?

Everyone: O.o

Orochimaru: I WAS BORN LIKE THIS!!!! DX<

Hidan: Okay okay Jashin! We get it! You were fucked up!

Orochimaru: The hell! Imma KILL YOU!!!

Before Orochimaru can get up from his spot, I grabbed Steve and hit him hard on the head.

Pein: Ah, so thats Steve....

Itachi: ....A metal bat.

Tobi: Is he dead?

I went next to Orochimaru who was laying on the floor looking dead, then started to poke him with Steve.

Aoi: I think so...he ain't moving............OMG! I just commited murder!!!!! O.o

Pein: Aoi, you do realize that this organization is full of murders? -_-

Aoi: Really!? I thought it was full of blue people?

Kisame: Stop bringing me into every conversations you have!!!

Diedara: So how do we continue this game?

I started thinking, and thinking, and thinking, and thinking.


Thinking hurts! D:




Light Bulb!

Aoi: Lets do rock, paper, scissors! Who ever loses has to do either truth or dare!

Everyone agreed and put there fists in the circle.

Aoi: Okay ready! Rock, Paper, Scissors!

3 rocks, 3 papers, 1 scissors, and 1 gun

Hidan & Deidara: The Hell Aoi!

Hidan: Ya can't do guns!

Deidara: Yeah it's against the rules!

Aoi: My game, my rules!

Hidan and Deidara turned to look at Itachi.

Hidan & Deidara: Itachi! Control your girlfriend (Jashin)!

Itachi: Leave me out of this!

Aoi: Okay! People with scissors lose and they are = Hidan, Deidara, and Kisame!~ Sorry smurfy. :(

Kisame: :'(

First Hidan vs Kisame.

Winner Kisame.

Final battle Hidan vs Deidara.

Deidara: No way am I losing!


Hidan: He cheated! Aoi he cheated!

Hidan turned around to tell Aoi that Deidara cheated and he saw Aoi trying to stuff her face with cake.

Aoi: Sorry Hidan, I can't hear you over the sound of cake! XD

Sasori: Anyway Deidara won, and Hidan lost.

Deidara: Yeah mother fucker!

Aoi grabbed Steve and whacked him on the head.

Aoi: Language!

Kisame: So Hidan, truth or dare?

Hidan already knew the answer.

Hidan: Dare jashin! I can take anything you throw at me, unlike Deidara.

I finished my cake and looked evily at him.

Aoi: Okay Hidan, since you chose Dare, We shall do thy Dare!

Hidan: [I'm going to die. I'm literally going to die, even though I'm immortal.......]

Aoi: Your dare is.......


Have any dares for Hidan? Please tell me, there are no bad dares!XD


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