7 | Lost My Mind

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"Worry you had to endure that interaction." Bonnie said with a relieved sigh.
"Its fine. It was just a little weird." I said.
"I dont know if I can resist the urge to kill thqt guy for a second longer." Damon growled.
"You cant. You kniw that. If we were to kill him, we could die." Bonnie said.
"Why?" I asked.
"When an Original dies, so does their sire line." Caroline told me.
"Thats shitty." I said.
"Tell me 'bout it." Jeremy sighed.
"What should we do now?" Matt asked.
"Lets just go. We can have fun elee where." Stefab recommend.
"leaving so soon?" Came an accented voice from the door.
We looked over to see Klaus had returned.
Everyone groaned, except for myself. He didn't really bother me I guess.
"Oh don't be like that. Were all friends here, aren't we?" He smirked.
"No. You will never be our friend. You've done horrible things." Bonnie said.
"Can't we just move past that? Thats old news!" He smiled.
"You'd only be here if you wanted something, so what is it?" Elena asked.
"Thats where your wrong Elena. I want a truce."
"Why would YOU want a truce?" Damon questioned.
"I know need your help. We need your help." He sighed.
"We, as in you and your family?" Caroline said.
"Indeed. We have a little problem. Theirs a powerful witch tailing us." Elijah said walking into the room.
"A witch? That should be easy enough." Binnie said.
"So you will help?" Elijah asked.
"Sure, Elijah. Well help you." Elena said.
"Great! As a thank you, please stay as long as you like." Elijah said, then walked out of the room with Klaus.


"Did you feel anything?" Elijah asked Freya, whi was in tye next room over.
Elijah told our dear eister of the news and we made a quick plan. We would go bwck into the room and occupy our little friends, while Freya stood in tge next room over searching for a sign of power coking from our new friend.

"Yes. The child is the one. He has great power, but thankfully, he has unlocked some of it. But barely any of what he can actully do." She said.
"What is our next move?" My brother, Elijah asked.
"We nab him before the othera find out why were here." I suggested.
"That makes sense, but i beive we should add some detail to that." Freya said.
"Fine, fine. What shall we do?"
"Well, they think they're going to help us with a witch, so we'll have one attack the others. But while they're fighting, well 'nab him'." Freya said.
"Alright. Well get some witches. You get everything ready for departure." Elijah said.
Freya nodded, then turned and left.


"Let's just go." I said after Klaus and Elijah left.
"Yeah, I don't want to have to be here any longer then I have too." Bonnie agreed and we all got up and left the home of the originals.

"Thank god we left!" Bonnie said as we walked up to the Mystic Grill, as a group.
"Yeah, I was itching to get out of there." Jeremy agreed.
Damon scoffed.
Elena glared at him and he smirked. She looked away and rolled her eyes.
I could sense the sexual tension. Not that I would say anything.

We sat ourselves in an extra large booth in the corner of the grill and just sat there and talked for a while, while eating lots of appetizers.
We didn't leave until about midnight, when they kicked us out.
Me, Bonnie, Elena and Caroline went back to Bonnie's, while everyone else went back to their separate homes.

"Sleepover?" Bonnie asked with a grin.
"Sleepover." Both Elena and Caroline said at the same time. I scoffed at them, then we drove home. Which probably wasn't apart since we were drinking.


When we got back to Bonnie's we basically sat down in the living room and just fell asleep.
The past two days have been very eventful and tiring.


"It's never a dull moment is it..." I heard Bonnie sigh, waking me up.
"Huh?" I hummed with a sleepy conscience.
"Guys, we have to get up. It seems the Mikaelsons need some assistance." She said waking Elena and Caroline up.
"What's happening?" Elena asked.
"Apparently there witch problem has to be dealt with right now." Bonnie told us as we started to get ready.
Elena raised her eyebrow wanting more information.
Bonnie sighed. "The witch attacked them and has them held up in there house. Everyone else is on there way now."
With that we hurried out to the car and sped of towards the house we were just at the night prior.

Stolen Heart | STIKLAUSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora