5 | Do My Thing

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"What's wrong?" I asked confused to everyone's sudden behavior.
"We have to get ready for the summer ball!" Caroline yelled, running around and gathering up her things.
"What's the summer ball?" I asked Stefan, who was standing right next to me.
"The biggest and most important party of the year." He rolled his eyes at the frantic actions of the girls.
"Well, I suppose we should get ready?" I smiled.
All the girls froze and turned to him.
"YES!" They yelled.


"You want me to wear this?" I asked Caroline.
"Yes. Now put it on." She pushed me into the bathroom to change.
I rolled my eyes and did as I was told.

"Caroline, this is really tight. Like the pants." I said slightly embarrassed.
"Their supposed to be. Now let me see." She demanded.
"Fine." I sighed then walked out of the bathroom.
"Eeekkk!" Caroline squeaked.
"Jesus what?!"
"You look FANTASTIC!" She grinned wickedly.
"Thanks?" I said, eyebrows furrowed.
"Now, put this shirt and tie on, and your good." She smiled handing me a button up shirt and tie.
"Okay your majesty." I sighed, again.
I turned around and went back into the bathroom.


"It's time to go. Come on. Caroline and Elena are waiting down here. Come down!" Bonnie yelled up to me.
"Fine! I'm coming!" I yelled back.
"Finally!" Bonnie sighed.
"I've been trying to get him down here for ages." Bonnie told Elena and Caroline.
"He's just nervous about his outfit. I picked it out, and he looks good. Like really good." Caroline smiled.
Then there were footsteps coming down the stairs.
The girls looked up to all Stiles in his summer ball get-up.
"Wow Stiles, you look hot!" Elena smiled.
"Thanks. Can I like not go?"
"Your coming. You look great, now get in the car." Caroline pushed me out of the house.


"Can I just stay in the car?"
I asked.
"No. Come on." Caroline said dragging me out of the car.
All the girls had nice and pretty looking dresses, that were sexy, but not slutty.

"This way." Bonnie said, her and Caroline pushing me towards the house.

"Who's house is this?" I asked.
"I don't know. Every year it's another person or family that hosts the party. It's always a mystery who it is. " Elena explained.
I raised my eyebrow at the silliness of it.
"It's a tradition." Elena shrugged.

I'm not complaining. Mystery parties are way better then surprise chicken on your doorstep. That's happened once every year back in Beacon Hills.

We walked through the mansions main doors and entered a grand entryway.
"Who ever lives here, has a lot of money." I said.
"Yeah, this place is huge!" Caroline said awe.
"When do we find out who's house this is?" I asked Bonnie.
"A few minutes ago you thought this whole thing is stupid." She smiled.
"It is but j still want to know. This is more exacting then the traditions back home." I told her.
"Once everyone's here." She said.

"Hey." Stefan said smiling at us all, as he walked over to us, smiling mostly at Elena of course.
"Hey Stefan." We said.
"Where's the evil twin?" I asked.
"Aw, miss me already?" Damon's voice said from behind us.
"Good afternoon Damon." I said letting out a sigh.
"Hello there, skinny." He smirked.
"Why?" I questioned.
"What ever do you mean?" He pretended to be confused.
"Why did my cousin have to have such an annoying friend?"
"Well that's a rude thing to say to a friend. That hurts me, Skinny." He placed a hand over his heart, mocking me.
"Good." I smiled then turned away, frustrating him 'slightly'.
Then somehow we all found each other.
Jeremy, Matt and who I presume is Tyler, walked over to us.
"Hey guys." Matt smiled.
"Hey Matt." I smiled back.
"I think it's starting!" Caroline squeaked.

Just then the was an announcement.
"A great thanks to this family for hosting this years annual Summer Ball."
There was round of clapping from all attendants of the ball, Along with us, except for Damon of course.

"Now please give a warm welcome to our Summer Ball Family. The Mikaelsons!" The announcer said.
All of my new friends faces frozen and turned to scowls. Including my cousins.
"What are they doing back?" Bonnie asked.
"I don't know. I thought they were still in New Orleans." Elena frowned.
"Whats wrong?" I asked confused,
"The Mikaelsons. There not good." Matt said.
"What do you mean?"
"Their vampires." Stefan said.
"You're vampires, hypocritical much?" I scoffed.
"No, their not normal vampires. Their the originals. The first vampires." Elena finally answered my question.
"Really? How old are they?" I asked slightly mesmerized my the idea of the originals.
"They're like a thousand, I think." Bonnie said.
"They're really dangerous. Stay as far away from them as possible. Their really bad news." Stefan said.
"You have no idea..." Damon sighed.
"Okay, got it. Originals; bad, Stay away. Understood." I shook my head.
The I finally faced to where everyone law was looking.

At the top of the stairs was four people. Two men and Two woman. They were all pretty attractive. Two of them had cocky smirks.
They must be the naughty ones.
"Names?" I asked.
"Girl on the right, that's Freya. She's the oldest and a witch. The guy next to her is Elijah. He's the only decent one. The girl next to him is Rebekah. She's a handful. Much like Damon." Bonnie told me.
"Hey!" Damon protested.
"Her and Matt had a thing." She continued on.
"And the last one?" I asked, this one I wanted to know the most for some reason.
"That's Klaus. He's seriously evil. He tries to kill us all the time, etc. He's the worst of them all. He and Caroline used to have a thing." Elena told me the last one.
"Thankfully over." Caroline sighed.

"Uh oh." Damon said.
"What?" Stefan questioned.
"It seems our little friends have noticed us. Or at least, skinny over there." Damon gestured to me.
"How lucky." I sighed. Then looked up at the family again.
They were all looking at us. Each one scanning over everyone's faces. All except one. The one on the end, kept his eyes on me the whole time. Klaus.

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