Part 4: Break Up?

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Hello! For this part's Stage, The examiner is gonna be Menchi again. And I want it to be interesting. So (No SPOILER), the cooking ingredient that I wanted to use is something else and there's not much information about it from the Official Anime, so, I'll just make it up. Please bear with it! Thanks :DDDDD

And (W/C) means Weapon of Choice not Water Closet.

Hisoka put you down to a path that leads straight to the 2nd Exam Stage's Location, but is far enough to not let Leorio know that you are cheating.

After putting you down, Hisoka then disappeared into thin air.

Wait. This place is!
Numere Wetland's Entrance.

"Welcome!" A cheerful voice came from ahead of you.

Hearing that you immediately ran towards the Voice's source, as the 2nd Stage is starting.

"My name Menchi, your 2nd Stage of Hunter Exam's Examiner. I'm a Gourmet Hunter."

After hearing that, suddenly the crowds starts whispering at each other about underestimating her.

In the last 287th Hunter Exam, Menchi did became the Examiner. But she wasn't alone. She got Buhara to accompany her and to decide the Ingredients.

"Now. Let's start the Exam. I wanted you to Cook!"

'Again?' You thought, shrugging.

"I need you to make me a dish which can satisfy me!"

'Is that even possible?'

"... And the Ingredient is....!"

'Probably something stupidly dangerous...'

"... It is... Noggin-Luggin Tortoise's Berries!"

'Look... It's both stupid and dangerous... How the hell can we make a dish out of Berries as main Ingredients...'

Suddenly, A couple of Knives/Swords flung towards you.

"HEY! YOU! NUMBER 211!!!" Menchi shouted

"H-Huh??" You blinked at her and then you pointed at yourself,

"YES YOU!" Menchi shook in anger while gripping another 2 knives/sword.


"E-Eh??? You he-heard me?" You asked nervously while moving backwards slowly

"Ohh! I did! I heard you nice and loud all right!" She said before moving forward towards you and start throwing one of his Knives/Swords

You wanted to dodge the Knife/Sword, but there're to many people surrounding you, making it hard to move.
You then closed your eyes in reflect


You heard Menchi's Knife/Sword being deflected and then you slowly opened your eyes.

It seems like A Card deflected Menchi's Knife/Sword

"Menchi~... Please don't postpone the Exam any longer~" Said a sultry flirtarious voice, that you know best.

You turned around to see the voice's source. You saw Hisoka sitting relaxed on top of a tree

"Who's that guy?" The other examinee whispered to each other

"...Hisoka... What brought you here?" Menchi sighed toying with her Knife/Sword.

"Hmm...? I'm just watching my little wifey~ Do you have anything against it?" Hisoka said calmly and then a couple of card appeared in between his slender, beautiful fingers

"...I really hope you not to kill her" Hisoka added licking one of the cards.

"W-wifey?!" Menchi got shocked and turned to you

"You mean this number 211?" She glared at you then turned around to start the exam

"... Let's just start the exam. Remember. Loggin Nuggin Tortoise's Berries. Don't get yourself killed. Good luck..." She said while slumping down her sofa sighing deeply

《Menchi's P.o.V》

That number 211 is Hisoka's wife?!
What kind of insane person would be marrying him anyway!
I can't imagine him caring and loving for his wife at all.

He's a dangerous person. Even as Hunter or just like the 287th Hunter Exam's Examinee.

He's extremely viscious and ruthless. One should not approach him carelessly, or the Life's the cost.

How the hell did they get together anyway!

《Your P.o.V》

Menchi seem distracted with her own thoughts so you decided to leave her on her own.

You went inside the Numere Wetlands, not to search for the Ingredients but to search for Hisoka.
Even though you decided to do that, The Numere Wetlands is not the best place to be looking for someone. The fogs are blocking your view.

You went Heaven knows where, while taking out your (W/C), and proceed to walk with your guard up.

You saw something appeared, which seems to be The Tortoise's head.

Yep! It's Noggin Luggin Tortoise, alright!

You prepared for battle and start to aim towards the Berries

You attacked those berries, but the Tortoise keep hiding them and start attacking you

"Hun~, I suggest you to kill them first, then take the berries~"

You heard him right.
You turned around, but the voice's owner nowhere to be found

So you decided to slit the Tortoise's long neck and managed to kill it.

You approached the Tortoise's back and then poked it with your weapon to check whether it really died or just faking it

It died alright. Moreover, Nothing, would be alive after their neck being cut open

You plucked the berries and then felt a pair of hands embracing you from behind

"Why are you here?" You stayed in his arms as the red head rest his chin on top of your head

"Why, I wonder~ But, you haven't figured it out, Hun?"

You flinched at the nickname.
You disliked him calling you 'hun', and prefered to be called by your first name. He knew that you disliked it and start teasing you about it.

"...No" You look down to your feet and start fidgeting

'I MEAN, WHO CALLS THEIR WIFE WITH SUCH A SWEET AND DISGUSTING NICKNAME! It's too much for me to handle' You thought that as you blushed lightly, embarrased of the cute pet name

"I-i need to go back...!" You said stuttering while trying to get out of Hisoka's grip

"You're as red as the Berries, (Y/N). Should I consider cooking you~?"

You stayed silent knowing what he will say to you

"You must taste really deliciouslt juicy, Hun~ Can I get a bite... now? Hmm?"

Even though he asked for your permission, he still act as he likes and start nipping and sucking on the crook if your neck, making you moan lightly at his action


"But you love this Pervert, right?"

"N-n-no I don't!"

"Then... I'm also starting to get enough of you" Hisoka said with a sudden cold tone and released you from his arms

"I want a divorce"

A Hunter Suitable For A Hunter (Husband!Hisoka x Wife!Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz