Part 8: Flashback 2

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《Contimue 287th Hunter Exam's Flashback》

When you were flashbacking, you remembered that Chrollo was talking about taking Scarlet Eyes from the Kurta Clan. You wondered how does that goes, as you were no longer in the Troupe at the time Chrollo decided to raid the Kurta Clan

When you were waiting with the others for further Instructions, suddenly, a man that appears to be beaten up showed and claimed that Satotz is a fake and is trying to kill all of the Hunter Examinee, as he is a Man Faced Ape, a species from the Numere Wetlands

Suddenly a few cards flew to stab the beaten up man, and also Satotz. The man was unable to dodge the cards, but Satotz can. When the nameless man is dead, the fainted Man Faced Ape that the man brought with him then escaped into the forest

"I see~ So you're the real one~"

You saw the clown man, Hisoka was the one who threw cards at Satotz and the other man

And then suddenly, you felt some eyes were staring at you. It was coming from Leorio, Killua, Gon and Kurapika. You then realized that, your (Headgear) that was covering your long hair ((Since you are disguising as a man)) has been torned and thrown away and revealing your long white locks.

Yes, you have long white locks ((You can imagine Illumi with white hair and bangs perhaps)) as you are one of Zoldycks after all, and Silva's gene sure does run in you

Then you laughed nervously as you tried to fix and cover your long hair. You did not notice this before, but from far away, someone was staring at you too in shock. Which is Gittarackur.

"Hee, (Y/N) you have long hair?" Gon asked innocently in awe

"At first I had mistook you for a girl, but now... Are you sure you're a girl?" Leorio eyed you with his fingers on his chin

Kurapika just stared at you at awe along with Killua mumbling something probably like, "why does she reminds me of someone??????"

You took your torn (headgear) from the ground and put it in your bag. You decided to do your hair naturally as it always is, running down smoothly to your back, after all, 'Men' with long hair is not that surprising. ((But ur a gurl xD))

Kurapika then hands you a brush for you to fix your hair. While brushing your hair, you saw that everyone started to run. You panicked then gave Kurapika his brush ((why he carry brush with him O___o))

Leorio, Gon and Killua had ran first then you and Kurapika followed, but his pace is too fast for you to follow so you ended up trying to speed things up but got tripped between the muddy puddles. You then felt someone supporting you as you try to stand up. You say thanks then realized it was Hisoka and Gittarackur that had helped you up.

"Your welcome~ ...boy?" As Hisoka furrowed his brow and then turn to Gittarackur with a weirded out expression, while Gittarackur remains silent with his normal face.

Gittarackur then start running and leaving you and Hisoka alone.

"It was him that helped you"
Hisoka said putting his hand behind his head to stretch

"Eh?" You simply ask him with a bewildered face

"It was first, even for me. To see him being kind to people"

Hisoka then decided ran along behind Gon and Killua, so you decided to catch up with Kurapika and Leorio

《Killua's POV》

That (Y/N)... her hair is exactly the same color as mine. And with that lenght, she reminds me of someone.... Illumi?

After talking to myself, I heards some whispers. It appears that behind me and Gon is Hisoka. And some people behind him seems to be whispering about getting rid of him

"Hey, Gon"


"Let's move faster."

"Yeah, after all we don't want to lose the examiner, right!"

I was kinda surprised at his innocent way of thinking

"Well yes, but, I'm more bothered with running near Hisoka. He's dangerous"

He then hummed and called his friends

"Oy, Kurapika, Leorio, (Y/N)! Killua told me to move forward faster!"

"H-hey... Gon. You're really oblivious..."

Then they said we could move forward by ourself, so we did

《Your POV》

You stopped as Kurapika and Leorio stopped suddenly

It appears that people is... vanishing one by one! And then suddenly strawberries..???

Strawberries floated in the middle of the fog. It appears to be a Noggin Luggin Tortoise that looks more like a dinosaur than a tortoise.

"(Y/N), you can fight right?" Kurapika asked with his back facing you

"What do you mean I can't! Of course I can!" You took out your (W/C) and get into your battle stance.

We were in a harsh battle, but we managed to kill 2 of them and escaped.

~Time Skip~

You ran alongside Kurapika and Leorio. Suddenly, Leorio stopped making you bumped at his tall body and fell to the ground

《Hisoka's POV》


Someone's watching me. 2... no 3. One just fell to the ground, producing the thud i just heard.

I smirked and this is gonna be exciting. The more the merrier. But it seems like they haven't notice that I've seen them. 403, 404 and 406. That must be the long haired shemale's allies (Hisoka meant you. You're a shemale /nooo. Well you are disguising as a man, but you look girlish). The blonde guy and the old man.

A Hunter Suitable For A Hunter (Husband!Hisoka x Wife!Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz