Chapter 43 Mother's Methods

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Everything was going according to plan as I stood with my father in the Conference Room. Jupiter had left my room sometime last night for our last night together before I found out my future. I was glad I got that last moment with her, but I wasn't happy when I woke up alone to the sound of my dad pounding on the door. Sure, I was mentally prepared, but nothing could settle my raging emotions. This morning I went through a dozen oral tests about our laws and strategies as my dad and a few other prestigious men judged my answers. They all knew I was strong enough, now I just had to prove my intellect.

Long story short, they were all thoroughly impressed. I had studied for months for this moment, and I can easily say I was crushing it. Mother had taught me well when she was alive, and I know some of the things I was saying sounded like her. My dad was quiet, but his face seemed approving even though I know he didn't always accept Mother's methods. Or maybe I've never seen this face before, so I just assumed it was approval because that's what I've always wanted to see.

After my tests, I had to leave the room, so they could discuss me, and I wandered down the hall. All I could think about was Jupiter even though the rest of my life was hanging by this decision. She was off somewhere with her old tribe, training them, and I wished she was here walking down the hall with me. She would be able to settle my nerves, and she would tell me everything is going to be okay. Now I have to do that for myself, and I'm doing a lousy job at it.

I could see her looking at me as if she was about to kiss me, but she wouldn't make the first move. She would lean up against the white wall with her lips pressed together. More than likely she would ask me a million questions about what my answers were during the testing, and then she would tell me she bets they were impressed. Everything she would say, and her body language would even put me at ease.

Why had I fallen for such an unattainable girl?

I could have any woman in my tribe, yet I still wanted her. Even though I've only known her for a month, I can't imagine life without my curious girl.

The door swung open, and I watched as the men filed out. They all avoided eye contact. I knew this was my moment to walk to the old Tribe Leader, and take my oath, completely alone. There didn't need to be any witnesses because nothing special was going to happen. All I had to do was walk through those doors, so what was holding me back? Maybe it was the fact Jupiter probably wasn't going to be my wife, and I wanted to keep pretending it was going to happen.

"Congratulations, Beo, you're going to be a Tribe Leader," my dad greeted with a big smile hidden underneath his beard.

I smiled as he shook my hand, finally my moment has arrived. "Alright, so now I say a few words, and you'll tell me who my wife is?" I asked with a smirk.

His smiled twitched slightly and I knew he didn't appreciate my choice in words. Why did I always have to piss him off? "Yes, and I trust that you've been practicing," he muttered as he grabbed the book of laws off of the rectangular oak table.

It was easy as I placed my right hand on the book. I had practiced my lines, but not as much as I had studied this book. "I hereby declare I will do all it takes to protect this tribe, and follow these laws as they are written," I recited with my back straight, chest puffed up, and head held high.

Dad carefully placed the book on the table, and then shocked me as he gripped me in his crushing, giant arms. "Your mother would be proud, Tribe Leader Beo," he whispered and he pulled away before I could say anything. The moment was gone as if it had never existed, and he wandered over to the window.

I stood next to him, feeling slightly more powerful with my new title. "So now you tell me who my wife is, and then the banquet, correct?" I asked even though I knew the procedure well. After all, I've been bred for this.

He nodded as we stared outside, but I could tell he didn't appreciate my curiosity about my wife. "If it was purely my choice, I would've picked Zeon for you. Your mother loved her, but I know she would love this young lady as well," he muttered with a slight shake of his head and a small smile. "That girl you dragged in here has sadly captivated us all with her wit, determination, and bravery. It's not easy to be a warrior, but she has transitioned well." His voice seemed thoughtful as he explained this all to me.

Was he going to say what I was hoping for? My heart was beating in my ears as he set out my future for me. Everything I dreamed I wanted was finally coming true. All of my work was finally paying off.

"I know your mother would have approved of her," he whispered just as Jupiter came into view.

She was leading her old tribe back from their training, and a smile tugged at my lips as soon as I saw her. This moment was better than I ever could have expected. Seeing the girl who would be my wife, even though she didn't know it, with the sun to her back, and her head held high. She had finally become a warrior.

Dad was nodding his head as he slapped me on the back. "Grendal was finally able to convince me that Jupiter will make a great companion for you," he commented, and then he turned his attention back to the window as my jaw dropped. "What is that psycho doing?"

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