Chapter 1: Provisional Princesses

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I used to think I had it all figured out.

You know when your teachers in elementary school would ask you what you wanted to be when you grew up? My response was always the same. I would always reply, "Well that's just silly. I'd wanna be me, why would I want to change?"

And of course that was just my little self being sassy, but for me that answer never truly changed.

My number one rule for myself was to never compromise for anybody, and that nobodies dreams or ambitions were more important than mine. Some might say that's selfish, but I'm just about focusing on myself. That's the only way you'll get where you wanna be.

It was also how I managed to run my own successful restaurant, Eloise's Kitchen. It wasn't huge or fancy, but it was pretty popular around the area of hot ass Miami, Florida. A portion of the restaurant was set up similar to a sports bar, and then the other portion was just like a normal restaurant, and then of course my favorite part, the kitchen. The main theme of the restaurant is home style cooking, inspired by and named after my very own grandmother, who taught me everything I know about cooking, about everything in general really.

So far it had been a slow day, probably because it was the middle of the week. I wasn't complaining though, I was worn out.

"Hey girl heyyyy!" Ah that voice never gets old.

I smile as my bestfriend approached the bar where I was wiping it down.

"Hey Jas- who's this?" I ask noticing the little girl who shyly inched closer to Jasmine. I smiled at her, which she returned with a shy grin. I normally don't like kids, especially those who weren't related to me, but she was pretty adorable. Her long light brown hair was pulled up into two high ponytails and she was dressed in a school uniform. Her eyes however, were what caught my attention the most as they twinkled brightly, resembling the ocean and contrasted her tanned skin.

"This is Lilianne, I'm her new nanny. Lilianne this is my bestfriend Chantel." Jasmine explained as Lilianne and I had a stare down. I then remembered Jasmine telling me about her new job being some rich kids nanny until she finishes getting her teaching degree. Apparently the dad was super hot, but I'll just take her word for it.

"Well it's nice to meet you Lilianne, are you by any chance hungry?"

She nods her head eagerly, not seeming so shy anymore, causing me to laugh.

Ah food, the key to everyone's heart.

"Ah dios mío! Slow down niña!" Jasmine scolded Lilianne for eating her food so fast. She was eating the grilled cheese I made her like someone was about to run up and snatch it from her.

"Sorry Jasmine." She said ashamedly with her head hung low. I gave Jasmine a "really?" look and she mouthed back "I didn't do anything." And although it wasn't audible you could hear all of her Latina sass.

"Miss Chantel?" I looked down at Lilianne who was already staring up at me and chuckle, "Lilianne you don't have to call me Miss Chantel, you can just say Chantel."

Her blushed and sheepishly said yes ma'am causing me to laugh again, "What did you wanna ask?"

"Do you like princesses Chantel?" My eyes brows raise in amusement at her question.

"What type of princesses, like Disney princesses?" She nodded.

"Well then yes. I do indeed like princesses." Lilianne's eyes lit up at this.

"Do you know that you're kind of like Tiana? You know with the restaurant and your skin colors are kind of the same. Do you like Tiana?" I smile at her excitement and look up to see Jasmine eyeing us in surprise.

I look back down at Lilianne, who was awaiting my answer, "I guess Tiana and I are kind of alike huh? She's actually my favorite princess."

"Mine too!" She exclaimed excitedly causing a few people around us to look over and she shrunk back down into the booth.

"Do you have a prince Chantel?" Lilianne then asked as Jasmine and I looked at each other in surprise.

"Um n-no. No I don't Lilianne." This little girl had me telling her all of my business.

"Jasmine does. He's bestfriends with my daddy." Ah yes, she was talking about Jasmine's boyfriend Ethan. They were pretty cute.

"Is that right?" I smirk up at Jasmine, who rolled her eyes playfully at me.

"Yeah he's pretty cool. He always brings me candy when I see him. Don't worry about not having a prince, my Daddy doesn't have a princess." Lilianne said sadly. Well then.

It got kind of awkward that. Luckily, Jasmine is a pro at lightening the mood and moved on to a different topic, which happened to be some Disney show Lilianne has Jasmine watching. Something about JT undercover? I don't really know. However, Lilianne was actually a pretty cool kid, and you could tell her and Jasmine had already developed a sisterly type bond. After sharing some more laughs, I noticed that I needed to get back to work seeing that the dinner rush was about to come in.

"Alright chica, I'll text you later." Jasmine said giving me a hug as she waited for Lilianne to get done in the restroom.

"Okay, hey do you know what was up with thing about her dad? She seemed kinda upset." I say genuinely curious as to why Lilianne would ask something like that.

"I actually have no clue. I know she never knew her mom, but Mr. Prescott didn't say much more than that. You know what was weird though? She seemed to like you. Like a lot. I've never seen her that chatty and it took her forever to even warm up to me and have a full conversation with me. She's just so shy-"

"Jasmine I'm ready!" Lilianne said emerging from the restroom and walking up to us.

"Alright sweetie, let's go." Jasmine says going to grab her hand, but before she could Lilianne came and gave me a hug, "It was nice meeting you Chantel."

I didn't really like hugs, so I just awkwardly pet her in the head.

"Nice meeting you too Lilianne." I say genuinely pulling back and giving her a soft smile.

With one last wave they were out the door and I was back to work. I sigh and turn to go to the kitchen, hoping that the dinner rush wouldn't be too bad.

When I finally got into my apartment at 10:30, I was beyond exhausted. The dinner rush was horrible. Families with screaming kids, people leaving messes every where before they left leaving me and my other workers to clean it up, and then someone had the audacity to complain that their food was too hot. Not too cold, too freaking hot. I really can't stand people sometimes.

However seeing my border collie, Jacks, greet me at the door did make me feel a bit better. "How's my favorite boy?" I cooed bending down to pet him as he barked in reply. I chuckle and stand up heading to my room to change it to comfortable clothes with Jacks right on my heel.

After putting on some sweats, I release my kinky 4b hair from the bun I had it in and shook it out. After cringing in the mirror at the state my hair was in, I got to work preparing it for bed as Jacks sat on my bed and watched me.

"How do I look?" I ask him jokingly when I finally done twisting my hair. He whimpered and laid down in response causing me to laugh as I put my bonnet on.

I went to the kitchen to grab snacks for my self and some treats for Jacks and went back to the room to watch some Netflix. I turned on the small tv and settled on to my bed with my popcorn.

"Jacks you're my number one guy you know that?" He just looked at me and I shake my head in amusement. With a sigh, I start thinking back to what Lilianne asked me earlier,

"Do you have a prince Chantel?"

I didn't need a prince. I've got Jacks, and my restaurant, and Jasmine. I was good.


"Yeah I'm totally right." Never doubt yourself Chantel, that's one of your rules.

I'm good. Scratch that, I'm better than good,

I'm great.

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