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After the incident that occurred in the bathroom, Troye found himself ditching school earlier than expected. He managed to walk out of class without so much as a bat of an eyelid from the school receptionist, Miss Pentland, who was too busy gossiping to her best friend on the school telephone. Before he knew it, Troye was taking the familiar path back towards his home, the cold chill of the wind hitting his skin with each step that he took.

As he retrieved his keys and entered the destination that was his empty house, Troye found himself suddenly overcome with exhaustion, and only thoughts of a certain individual gracing his mind.


His name brought goosebumps to Troye's skin, caused a nervous sigh to escape his lips and worry to course through through his blood like hot lava. Though Troye had always been known as a confident (although others would say cocky) boy, he couldn't help but feel apprehensive about what Connor was going to show him. What he was going to let Troye see exactly.

In some ways, Troye was cursing himself for being so damn curious about the matter. After all, there had been a vast number of instances in the past where his incessancy to know things had landed him in hot water. What was to say that wouldn't end up happening again with Connor?

He sighed as he made his way into the kitchen, hoisting himself on top of the kitchen counter and checking his phone in the process. He saw that he had a couple texts off Blessing and Caspar from their group chat but alas, that wasn't the thing that caught his eye.

When he glanced at the screen properly, he saw that Connor had sent him a brief message.

From: Connor
You haven't looked at the address have you?

Troye rolled his eyes, frustrated deeply with Connor's lack of trust in him but replied nonetheless.

To: Connor
Nope. I'd forgotton about it actually. I'm too busy thinking about our school project.

From: Connor
Schoolwork as Troye Sivan's number one priority? It's a modern day miracle.

Troye snorted at that, lying down on his back as he continued to text Connor from his now rather uncomfortable position.

To: Connor
Is it really that surprising that I actually want to do well on something? I can have aspirations you know.

From: Connor
Never said you couldn't. It's just weird seeing someone like you actually wanting to do well in school.

Troye took a few moments to consider his answer to that, his fingers hovering over the touch screen hesitantly. The response he eventually settled on seemed sort of risky, but he pressed the send button nonetheless.

To: Connor
Maybe it's your impact on me that's done that ;)

A few moments passed before Troye's phone buzzed again, the screen illuminating from his hands as he unlocked his phone once again.

From: Connor
I wasn't aware I was doing anything...but I'm glad I could help x

Troye smiled at that, deciding against replying to the message as he stared up at the kitchen ceiling.

"I'm glad you could too." He spoke out loud to no one in particular as Connor's words resonated in his mind.

Before Troye knew it, presentation day with Connor was arriving. To say that he was nervous about the outcome of their project was more than likely the understatement of the century.

As Troye strolled into school alongside Blessing before the dreaded Psychology lesson began, they both noticed that Caspar was sitting outside Mr Chapman's classroom by himself. He was slumped against the lockers, staring into space and seeming particularly downhearted.

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