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Troye wasn't exactly sure how he had found himself in the library after school as the day came to a close. All he knew was that he needed some inspiration from Shakespeare to finish his monologue in English with Mr Howell, and he needed it immediately.

Though the area of the school was meant to be sectioned off, Troye saw that a few students were roaming around inside under the librarians watchful gaze. The room had been stripped down of decoration almost completely, with only a few shelves and boxes of books scattered around.

"This is the last day you can claim a book in here, you know?" Troye was told by the librarian as he walked inside, with a few pupil's heads turning because they certainly hadn't expected to see a guy like him caught in this place.

Troye directed his attention to the man's name tag, which clearly displayed the name 'Mr Green'. He quirked his brow at his indigent tone, but nodded nonetheless at the question.

"Do you know where I can find some stuff by Shakespeare?"

"You're gonna have to be a bit more specific." Mr Green said, though he seemed quite taken a back by the fact a moderately popular boy was looking for some work by him. After all, if boys like Troye were ever found with a book, they were usually just song books or ones filled to the brim with modern pop compositions. Never any that were to do with classic literature, and certainly not any art by Shakespeare.

Troye sighed, but began to explain the nature of his project nonetheless. Mr Green didn't talk all that much, nodding occasionally and choosing only to speak when Troye had finished, his thoughts rushed and impatient but clearer than they'd been previously.

"By the sounds of it, you want to recreate a tragedy as opposed to something comedic, right? Something unpredictable?"

"Exactly." Troye smiled, relieved that the man at least understood him a little. "Everyone sees me as a joker and I just...I want to surprise them I guess?"

"I understand." Mr Green responded, his tone almost impressed. "If you head over towards the far right, past where the history section usually is, you'll find a copy of Romeo and Juliet. I think that could really help you out, urgh..."

The man trailed off, uncertain of the young boys name.

"It's Troye." He bared his notoriously cheesy smile as he spoke, thanking Mr Green with an unusually calm tone before wandering over to the other side of the room. He failed to notice the admiring gaze that came from the latter, his focus fixed upon the fact that everybody else in the room was staring at him in awe.

He sighed, turning his attention towards a boy by the name of Ricky who was gawking shamelessly.

"Yes, I am in the Library. Yes, I have read a book and am capable of finding and reading many others. This isn't some foreign concept to me." He shot the words out like venom, clearly frustrated as he spoke.

"I didn't thi..." Ricky began, but Troye cut him off with a shake of his head.

"Please, save it. Just quit staring at me and go back to reading..." He paused, tilting his head to read the title of the book Ricky was holding.

Of course it had to be in a different language. Typical.

"Whatever that is." Troye finished, his gaze intimidating as Ricky nodded and scrambled away.

A part of him almost felt bad as he continued to advance forward, with each student not daring to look him in the eye. It's not like he wanted to act like a complete asshole to people like Ricky Dillon, smart and bright and hopeful souls like him, but sometimes he just had to. Troye wasn't exactly sure why that was, although he was most certainly sure that it wasn't down to jealousy.

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